If you know what a script Windows, do not waste your time reading this article. If not, follow these steps:
- Create a new text file (. Txt).
- In this file, type exactly this:
WScript.Echo "MUAC"
- Close the file and rename it to mimomatic.vbs . (The extension is fundamental : you should change it from txt to vbs!)
Well, it is: we have created our first Mimomatic , a dispenser of kisses for when we are lacking in affection. Just double click it (Ie run).
Once your emotional deprivation ye weary covered or entangled with the toy, keep reading the article!Mimomatic Lo is a little ditties, but Windows scripts is no nonsense. On the contrary, is quite important, for good and evil has its good side, its ugly and its bad side. (This sounds like me something.)
The good side is that what you did to create the Mimomatic has been to create a file that, when run, you did what you had told him to do: in this case, draw a box that says "MUAC." Valiente silly, yes, but I could have said made more interesting things and much more: create, delete, modify or verify the existence of files or folders, read and write data files or registry settings in Windows, connect or disconnect network drives, email, create a letter in Word, run the command you want, so long and so scary. In short, the scripts that Windows opens the doors automation of repetitive tasks, which is only interesting if you have anything to do many times or many computers. You just have to write a script time and, thereafter, to repeat the task quickly and without omissions or errors sufficient double-click on the script (or even that, if the task programs).
The ugly side is you have to know how it is encoded that you want the right cacharrín. And this, of course, pull back enough that will be the first time with it. It is also true that for most of the needs of a "typical user", this would be killing flies with cannon . That is why just take hold of the scripts administrators, people or systems testing and other geeks . Are you one of these and you dare to try, you can start reading the page of the parents of the child: page technologies Microsoft script.
But the wrong side of a script to do things is when the script does things you do not want to do, typically because the script is not yours but a man very bad very bad, because either your program mail or you run your browser without your explicit permission, or you yourself have executed (It's so easy to double-click!). Before it was enough to be wary of. Bat,. Com,. Exe and little else. Now, with these old news (from w98 does this equipment) for Windows, you have to be much much much more cautious. What are the most dangerous files? Check out your variable PATHEXT environment. This is the variable that the OS (NT, 2000, XP and Vista) used to resolve names of programs when there is no specified length. Ie the extensions you find there (probably something like . COM,. EXE;. BAT;. CMD;. VBS;. VBE;. JS;. JSE;. WSF;. WSH) correspond to files directly executable. The list, of course, does not end here. So we have no choice but to keep the basic rule : if you do not know what it is and the source is not 100% accurate, do not open .
did you run the Mimomatic? Evil indeed! ;-)