Thursday, December 18, 2008

Whitestrips Gum Receding

Freedom and Pago Pago

Long time no writing on the blog. I continue with my travels around the world, visiting exotic and inaccessible places where Internet has not yet arrived. The last months I spent in the Islands needed, a little known group of islands in the South Atlantic. Named after the local tradition, that the god-Turi Nala put these islands in the world that this could work. According to tradition, the day that God remove these islands in the world, this "will stop."

pantallazo azul de la muerte

Needed Islands are, in fact, a conglomerate of regions, of which, the two most important are the island of Pago Pago and the Isle of Liberty. Both are named respectively the largest island in each. Island of Pago Pago-American colonization, while Liberty Island is of European colonization (an amalgam of European, Finnish, French, German ...). While logical, it remains curious that the influence is striking that the various settlements have had on local customs of the different islands. Some are obvious upon arrival. At Liberty Island, for example, we are different "urban tribes" torbalinos, mandraco, susos ... At first glance appear to be "very tribe" and all are very different. However, soon after you realize know they all live in harmony with each other under a common philosophy and who are not as different as they seem.

Las tribus de la Libertad

Just the opposite happens in Pago Pago. There seems to all be of the same tribe, because in their appearance does not differ much from each other. However, in Pago Pago is a complicated caste system which divides them into jomes, bisnis, employees, servants ... Members of different castes have different permissions and privileges, and that is of vital importance in almost every aspect of everyday life: while the Liberty Island can all do in Pago Pago some can do very little and others not much. In addition, the Government of Pago Pago is continually legislating on activities, privileges and permits, and only giving these new breeds, which in practice results in a rapid "degradation" of existing breeds.


To illustrate how different can become one and another culture, I'll explain how it works in both islands is something as common as the subject of food.

Island in Pago Pago, when you're hungry, you go to a Pay-Pay, which are the places where the locals eat. (Yes, it sounds like a fan but the meaning is quite different). To eat in a Pay-Pay you must pay to enter. At the entrance, you are given a brochure with a huge text where you explain your rights and obligations in the premises. Nobody reads it. I did not read it over. Apparently, they tell you what you paid only entitles you to use the premises, the food and drink and other things are apart, the owner can kick you out anytime claims are not supported (the place is " as is "), that entry is not transferable, and blah, blah, blah. The typical minor scrolls legal!

Licencia de uso

Once inside the Pay-Pay, you find that you have tables and chairs, dishes and cutlery to eat, but food and drink only have bread and water. If you want wine, you go out, buy it and traértelo. If you want meat salad, fruit, fish, dessert ... you go out, buy it and traértelo. If you want to read the newspaper while you eat breakfast, you go out, buy it and traértelo. The situation is somewhat shocking, if we compare with the restaurants to which Europeans are accustomed. I must admit that, perhaps out of laziness, I was somewhat uncomfortable at having to bring me out (almost) everything you wanted to eat or drink because there was (almost) anything.

Pan y agua

But this has led to the birth of a flourishing commercial environment to the Pay-Pay, and has generated enormous wealth for the island, says Gily-Beytz, owner of the Pay-Pay and good part of the most important of these stores nearby.

Gily Beitz

Gily has become, thanks to the Pay-Pays, the richest man in the archipelago, but at the cost of great suffering and concerns. Gily a serious problem for the island is that there is only a policeman, and the poor man does what he can, but it reaches out to arrive. Aware of this, the locals got used to sneak into the Pay-Pay without paying the entrance, often also stolen food stores around. To minimize this problem, Gily has hired a pair of private inspectors with complaints, have inhibited the large groups of rogue, but also fail to control the locals one by one. It has also implemented other control mechanisms, such as the obligation to keep an eye on the ticket of entry ( hologram) for as long as the customer remains on the premises. These measures have not yet been proven 100% effective, but still at it ... trying more and "better" ... far as you can ...

Extremadamente lamentable

The other big problem is not Gily with the locals but with the other traders. In a desperate attempt to try to be more competitive, many have begun to give its main articles, seeking to do business with other products or services and to continue fighting for market share. You can find many shops where you can get free food that can take you to the Pay-Pay. The locals have welcomed this initiative, so I can get free products that would otherwise have to pay. To combat this situation, is trying to Gily Government Pago Pago permitted by law, the privatization of forests, fields and streams. Aware that only he has the money to buy them, could thus inhibit any other villager or trader of the island to get free (with their own work and their own efforts), as it always has been, fruits, vegetables, feed livestock, hunting, water ... And thus, everyone who wants to eat or drink in Pago Pago, will have to go through the box of Mr. Gily, either directly or indirectly. Gily account on your behalf with the passivity of pagopagueños that they used to put food on the plate, go for this stuff intelligently confident that while you can pay will not have to kill the head. You see, the situation in Pago Pago is very entertaining, although the future is uncertain.

The Liberty Island are very different things. Here is eaten in some places called Repos. When you first time in a rest, after eating in the Pay-Pays, eyes will light up with the amount and variety of what there is. You to be very gourmet and very greedy for what's in Repos do not meet, both in quantity and quality.

Cantidad y Calidad en Libertad

And not just in a matter of food: if you want to read a newspaper or listen to music or whatever ... probably find something you like. And if you do not see what you're looking for, you can always ask the waiter. In a repo, to call the server using the generic name "Hapeta" which means "food rules." You see, a Hapeta is more than just a bartender. In Pago Pago, I have not had before, there were two types of waiters: the Efun and Emeseis. The Efun were responsible to assist you and answer your questions, but their efficiency and professionalism usually leave something to be desired. A typical conversation between a client (C) and a Efun (E) could be this:
C-Hi, eeeh ...
E-Good morning, welcome to our Pay-Pay Supertragaldabas. Supertragaldabas Pay-Pay is a dream. In Supertragaldabas you will find the largest assortment of high quality food at prices unique. You will live in Supertragaldabas an unbeatable experience to want never to forget. Tell me, how I can help?
C-Do you menu? E
I do not know what is menu: I know what is less, table and counter, but no menu.
C-What's for dinner?
E-Hi, what is? Welcome to our Pay-Pay Supertragaldabas. Supertragaldabas Pay-Pay is a dream. In Supertragaldabas you will find the largest assortment of high quality food at prices unique. You will live in Supertragaldabas an unbeatable experience to want never to forget. Tell me, how I can help?
Food is what you eat. To learn more about food, ask for Supertragaldabas Efun for food. He will help you live in Supertragaldabas an unbeatable experience that you want never to forget.
E-The food is what you eat. To learn more about food, ask for Supertragaldabas Efun for food. If you want to know our menu, ask for Supertragaldabas Efun by menu.

Here you are beginning to despair, so much to see that it was supposed to help you (clearly) not going to help much, as to see that the terms used Efun as he does not know. The point is that you learn you have to go hunting for life on your own, and ignore the Efun going directly to the emeseis. The emeseis are responsible for the service: we put the food on the plate and take it off when you finish.

At this point, a typical experience might be this:
comes the lunch. You're hungry. First, get yourself something good to eat. You go to a store. With the typical difficulties abroad in foreign lands, you get a regional meal, of which only come to know called "Beneida to the pin" and that is beef stew, which was what you wanted. You go with him to the Pay-Pay. Once inside, or you look at Efun: directly call the emesei. Al emesei only two things you can say "put me" and "take away". These guys have little conversation, and the less they have, the better. Usually they ask you how you want. It is best to tell them that "typical" or "everything." The little thing can be uncomfortable if you start asking emesei if you want to fork or chopsticks, if you want flat plate, bowl, bowl ... if you want this so and so, here or here ... But the worst nightmare appears when you question: Do you want put the chufrillos? And, of course, you had no clue that "Beneida the Pines" had chufrillos : you at the most you got was to know that this was a dish of stewed meat. You have no idea what are the chufrillos, or what they know, or whether they will or inedible. And who is there to answer your questions? Indeed, the Efun! Efun flames and unforgettable experience is summarized as follows: the customer
Efun Question - Hi, I do not know what you're asking the emesei ... Efun
Customer Response - The emesei is asking that if you put the chufrillos. Compared

emeseis Efun and a Hapeta is non-va-over efficiency. Experience in a Repos between a client (C) and a Hapeta (A) may be as follows:
C - Hello, Hapeta, what you have with mushrooms?
A - Well, we have mushrooms in garlic, mushroom salad, mushroom soup, grilled mushrooms, spinach salad with mushrooms, roast beef mushrooms, salmon with clams and mushrooms, tomato sauce with mushrooms, mushroom pate, chicken cannelloni with mushrooms, braised monkfish with mushrooms, mushroom sauce, chicken with mushrooms, chicken in wine with mushrooms, chicken and mushroom lasagna, sautéed mushrooms and shrimp, stuffed mushrooms, roasted foie fluffy mushroom on bread and popcorn, salad london, rice with vegetables, mushrooms and ham, mixed vegetables ...
(Next to the name of each dish, the Hapeta gives a brief explanation of it which I omit for brevity.)
C - Para, stop, stop ...! Let's see, Hapeta, what have beef with mushrooms?
A - Well, we have roast beef with mushrooms, chicken chus whiskey, pork skewers, chicken in wine with mushrooms, poussin the woods, beer, chicken, beef with cream ...
C - Stop, stop, stop ...! Okay, Hapeta, bring the roast beef with mushrooms, you see how ...

Then the Hapeta is removed and within moments you have on the table your request. Result: you have saved yourself having to fetch the life Stepping out of stores to buy food often unknown origin often unknown, and you've saved to pay the entrance to a "restaurant" that may not have liked and where you'd have to eat anyway (because you've already paid), that is, you've saved time, effort and money.

I, since I knew this from the repos and Hapeta, and I did not want to know more about Efun, or emeseis or the mother who ... However, most tourists remain faithful to Pago Pago and Pay-Pays for:
a) are resistant to change (another island, another language, other customs ...).
b) In the repos would not find some unique wines that are only found in pay-pays.

latter makes me pretty funny because the same could be said of exclusive wines only are in the repos and not in the pay-pays, especially because most of those who do not want to take but these exclusive and expensive wines ... Mix them with large amounts of gas!

Yet another great reason Pay-Pay accounts for more than 95% of tourism to the islands, tour operators only sell packages to Pago-Pago. Do not go calling your travel agent to go to Liberty, because it will mean you can not and that is where you can go to Pago Pago. So if you are a tourist forming, end up in Pago Pago and miss the Liberty (which would be a shame, I tell you, I've been there.)

But I am determined to return there. I want to go with my nephew and knows the islands. For many years, only one could go to Liberty Island flying to Pago-Pago, and from there take another flight or a boat to Liberty. Either that or you were a real adventure and going on your own (or adventure you had a good friend to take you.) Now, the product of a burgeoning demand has begun, and a few travel agencies that sell direct flights to Freedom (Dellicatessen Tryps, for example). Moreover, even a trip "adventure" are no longer the preserve for intrepid adventurers, and are available to almost anyone, being already well-known routes.

Anyway, where to take my nephew is a Liberty Island, and not to Pago Pago. My nephew is allergic to milk protein, so you can not drink any milk or milk stew. In Pago Pago, the cooks are reluctant to discuss their recipes: the recipes are yours and nobody else. Scarce public recipes, kitchens are inaccessible, and you have to always be wondering what they wear or not wear the plates, and blindly trust the answers you want to. At Liberty Island, however, the recipes are public and the kitchens are visible. Before each meal, you can read in detail the ingredients are and how they have been cooked, and you can see how in the kitchens closely follow recipes. This assured that my nephew there will be no problem, priceless. Paradoxically, it is that you spend Libertad much much much less money than in Pago Pago.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Wedding Welcome Templates

What is free software?

Lately I've been going around evangelizing to the rock with that of free software, and I've noticed that when you talk to a person of "free software" can be three cases :

  1. The person knows what you're talking about.
  2. The person believes who knows what you're talking about (but the truth is that he has no idea pajolera).
  3. The person does not know what you're talking about (and is aware it.)

The group A of those who know exactly what is free software, they look like this: gatito geek durmiendo feliz con su ordenador (Photo

If you belong to group A, of the people who know what the free software ... you can stop reading this and get to work, because you're losing miserably time and someone should care about lifting the country and maintain high economic indicators.

The group B have heard of "free software", but it confused with "free software" ...
angloparlantes Although it is not! (In English "free software" is "free software" and "free software" is "free software", so that confusion is guaranteed.)

Actually, they do not know very well what is "free software" and regarded as such anyone can get hold a euro for it, and it is very likely that, after to make sure they know exactly what it is that of "free software", adorn their wisdom with some nonsense like that are already accustomed to "free" software. Those in group B are about this:
gatito piratilla (Photo

Those of Group C was subdivided into two subtypes, depending on their attitude to what they do not know. The subtype nilosenimimporta have the strange belief that learning is complicated life, ignoring the problem disappears, and the most direct route to happiness is ignorance, and have roughly this:
gatito de trapo (Photo of

By contrast, the subtype mnquinteresante are always open to learning new things, and they look like this:
gatito leyendo (Photo by They

is dedicated, with love, this post is to explain ...

Why is it important to know what is that free software?

Francisco will go to the wedding of a friend. Need a new suit, so he goes to El Tajo English and buy a nice suit pret-a-porter. But Francisco is far to the gym and is now quite broad shoulders, so that the jacket needs some work that will make your Aunt Clara, a very good dressmaker. I could have made it the Tajo English to have it repaired, or even could habérselo Pierre himself led the Patron (the tailor who did), but preferred that arrangements Francisco Aunt Clara will make them. Everything normal here?

A Francisco loves pocket watch given to him by his wife last year. So, too Aunt Clara asked me to make a small pocket inside the suit does not, in which to house his precious clock. Everything normal here?

Things are not to throw away money, so it plans to take full advantage Francisco suit: I used to work. Moreover, also plans to use in future celebrations and left to his brother Joseph, who also goes. Everything normal until here?

After two months, working conditions Francisco change. In his new job will not have to wear suits, so it will not be able to get the game I expected: you'd better decide to put it on sale and recoup some of their investment. Everything normal here?

It is apparent that this was made possible by Francis bought his suit at El Tajo English, and that the English sell costumes Tajo free.

Francisco bought her dress in the Tajo English, paying for his suit that the English Tajo asked for it (was much, little or nothing), but once it was yours, Francisco could: Adapt

  • modify it
  • Use it as many times as wanted for the purposes
  • wanted wanted to share it with anyone even resell

But things could have been very different ...

Paco will go to the wedding of a friend. Need a new suit, so he goes and buys a beautiful Wedding MicroSuite. MicroSuite is an American multinational which manufactures clothes pret-a-porter for all types of events: the Wedding is the most popular attire for weddings. MicroSuite costumes are not free and sold "AS IS" .

As MicroSuite Costumes are not free, MicroSuite suits can not be fixed. This naturally means that few people will fit like a glove: a few will come a little long, others a little short, others do wrinkles, others tightening the jacket, other ... But this is not really important because everyone uses MicroSuite suits and everyone is accustomed to wear suits everyone more or less the same as sitting more or less well. The trouble is that in the case of Paco would be particularly desirable to make a little tweak in the U.S.: Paco has one arm two inches longer than the other, and two runs in exactly the same length does not help hide the flaw. In any case, Paco problems are not something that matters to MicroSuite or the rest of the world, so Paco MicroSuite have to pay what they ask for the suit not free, and you gets by him as to shrink to its long arm and adapted to the makings of a suit, you can not fix, adapt or modify, as a non-free suit.

Paco also loves the pocket watch given to him by his wife last year. Could use a little pocket inside the suit does not, in which to house his precious clock. But this feature is only available in Pro Wedding, which cost more. The things are not to throw away money, so the clock will Paco one of the other pockets, and thus he gets more out of their pockets, that their good little money you have cost, yes! And thanks to this successful trade policy MicroSuite, Paco will save the hassle involving arrangements and will be happy with his costume (it feels so good like a saint two guns). But it is to wear a suit MicroSuite is easy: go to the store, you pay, and leave with it on. Paco

also have two problems if you pay down your suit worn to work. The first is that the fabric which are made uncomfortable MicroSuite Wedding and short-lived. For work, Paco should have purchased a Business MicroSuite much more expensive but made with better materials and a design more suitable for professional activities. The second is that the suit is not free . Paco agreed to a license at the time of purchase, that is not free Paco to use the suit for anything other than go to wedding. For the same reason, Paco is not free to leave the suit with his brother Pepe to make this wedding go, let alone selling it as second hand clothing once they no longer intend to use anymore.

In short:
Francisco uses a free suit and retains its freedoms: can fix or modify it, you can use for whatever you want, as you like and what you want, you can lend or sell it, you can ... Francisco can even bring it to a laboratory to analyze the fabric and see if its composition is really what the salesman said it was. By contrast, Paco wearing an outfit not free , accepting the corresponding taxation, is prohibited fix, you may not modify, you may not give other uses, you may not share ... Paco Will take your suit to be analyzed or must rely blindly on the seller's word about what the costume really is?

Note that we have not spoken at any price time.

Why is it important that you use free software or not? For

simply by fashion. Everyone likes to be fashionable. About 95% of the population uses MicroSuite costumes. Every time you wear a suit MicroSuite, you contribute to those who buy them in El Tajo English are "rare." Each time you use a MicroSuite suit, put a little more difficult for someone to make an honest living making arrangements to suits. Every time you wear a suit MicroSuite, narrow the circle a little bit on the freedoms of everyone. Each time you use a MicroSuite suit, you put your two cents to be able to fix the suit what is not normal. Each time you use a MicroSuite suit, you put your two cents to be able to know how it really the suit you wear is what is not normal. Each time you use a MicroSuite suit, you put your two cents to be able to reuse or share the suit which is not normal. Every time you wear a suit MicroSuite, a kitten dies.

¡No me mates!

course, that's not all bad: Every time you buy a suit MicroSuite, MicroSuite owner is a little richer. (But the owner of MicroSuite is who eats the hearts of dead kittens.)

In any case, whether you use free software or not, there's something you can not refuse: "Paco is shorter than Francisco" .