Monday, May 12, 2008

Wedding Welcome Templates

What is free software?

Lately I've been going around evangelizing to the rock with that of free software, and I've noticed that when you talk to a person of "free software" can be three cases :

  1. The person knows what you're talking about.
  2. The person believes who knows what you're talking about (but the truth is that he has no idea pajolera).
  3. The person does not know what you're talking about (and is aware it.)

The group A of those who know exactly what is free software, they look like this: gatito geek durmiendo feliz con su ordenador (Photo

If you belong to group A, of the people who know what the free software ... you can stop reading this and get to work, because you're losing miserably time and someone should care about lifting the country and maintain high economic indicators.

The group B have heard of "free software", but it confused with "free software" ...
angloparlantes Although it is not! (In English "free software" is "free software" and "free software" is "free software", so that confusion is guaranteed.)

Actually, they do not know very well what is "free software" and regarded as such anyone can get hold a euro for it, and it is very likely that, after to make sure they know exactly what it is that of "free software", adorn their wisdom with some nonsense like that are already accustomed to "free" software. Those in group B are about this:
gatito piratilla (Photo

Those of Group C was subdivided into two subtypes, depending on their attitude to what they do not know. The subtype nilosenimimporta have the strange belief that learning is complicated life, ignoring the problem disappears, and the most direct route to happiness is ignorance, and have roughly this:
gatito de trapo (Photo of

By contrast, the subtype mnquinteresante are always open to learning new things, and they look like this:
gatito leyendo (Photo by They

is dedicated, with love, this post is to explain ...

Why is it important to know what is that free software?

Francisco will go to the wedding of a friend. Need a new suit, so he goes to El Tajo English and buy a nice suit pret-a-porter. But Francisco is far to the gym and is now quite broad shoulders, so that the jacket needs some work that will make your Aunt Clara, a very good dressmaker. I could have made it the Tajo English to have it repaired, or even could habérselo Pierre himself led the Patron (the tailor who did), but preferred that arrangements Francisco Aunt Clara will make them. Everything normal here?

A Francisco loves pocket watch given to him by his wife last year. So, too Aunt Clara asked me to make a small pocket inside the suit does not, in which to house his precious clock. Everything normal here?

Things are not to throw away money, so it plans to take full advantage Francisco suit: I used to work. Moreover, also plans to use in future celebrations and left to his brother Joseph, who also goes. Everything normal until here?

After two months, working conditions Francisco change. In his new job will not have to wear suits, so it will not be able to get the game I expected: you'd better decide to put it on sale and recoup some of their investment. Everything normal here?

It is apparent that this was made possible by Francis bought his suit at El Tajo English, and that the English sell costumes Tajo free.

Francisco bought her dress in the Tajo English, paying for his suit that the English Tajo asked for it (was much, little or nothing), but once it was yours, Francisco could: Adapt

  • modify it
  • Use it as many times as wanted for the purposes
  • wanted wanted to share it with anyone even resell

But things could have been very different ...

Paco will go to the wedding of a friend. Need a new suit, so he goes and buys a beautiful Wedding MicroSuite. MicroSuite is an American multinational which manufactures clothes pret-a-porter for all types of events: the Wedding is the most popular attire for weddings. MicroSuite costumes are not free and sold "AS IS" .

As MicroSuite Costumes are not free, MicroSuite suits can not be fixed. This naturally means that few people will fit like a glove: a few will come a little long, others a little short, others do wrinkles, others tightening the jacket, other ... But this is not really important because everyone uses MicroSuite suits and everyone is accustomed to wear suits everyone more or less the same as sitting more or less well. The trouble is that in the case of Paco would be particularly desirable to make a little tweak in the U.S.: Paco has one arm two inches longer than the other, and two runs in exactly the same length does not help hide the flaw. In any case, Paco problems are not something that matters to MicroSuite or the rest of the world, so Paco MicroSuite have to pay what they ask for the suit not free, and you gets by him as to shrink to its long arm and adapted to the makings of a suit, you can not fix, adapt or modify, as a non-free suit.

Paco also loves the pocket watch given to him by his wife last year. Could use a little pocket inside the suit does not, in which to house his precious clock. But this feature is only available in Pro Wedding, which cost more. The things are not to throw away money, so the clock will Paco one of the other pockets, and thus he gets more out of their pockets, that their good little money you have cost, yes! And thanks to this successful trade policy MicroSuite, Paco will save the hassle involving arrangements and will be happy with his costume (it feels so good like a saint two guns). But it is to wear a suit MicroSuite is easy: go to the store, you pay, and leave with it on. Paco

also have two problems if you pay down your suit worn to work. The first is that the fabric which are made uncomfortable MicroSuite Wedding and short-lived. For work, Paco should have purchased a Business MicroSuite much more expensive but made with better materials and a design more suitable for professional activities. The second is that the suit is not free . Paco agreed to a license at the time of purchase, that is not free Paco to use the suit for anything other than go to wedding. For the same reason, Paco is not free to leave the suit with his brother Pepe to make this wedding go, let alone selling it as second hand clothing once they no longer intend to use anymore.

In short:
Francisco uses a free suit and retains its freedoms: can fix or modify it, you can use for whatever you want, as you like and what you want, you can lend or sell it, you can ... Francisco can even bring it to a laboratory to analyze the fabric and see if its composition is really what the salesman said it was. By contrast, Paco wearing an outfit not free , accepting the corresponding taxation, is prohibited fix, you may not modify, you may not give other uses, you may not share ... Paco Will take your suit to be analyzed or must rely blindly on the seller's word about what the costume really is?

Note that we have not spoken at any price time.

Why is it important that you use free software or not? For

simply by fashion. Everyone likes to be fashionable. About 95% of the population uses MicroSuite costumes. Every time you wear a suit MicroSuite, you contribute to those who buy them in El Tajo English are "rare." Each time you use a MicroSuite suit, put a little more difficult for someone to make an honest living making arrangements to suits. Every time you wear a suit MicroSuite, narrow the circle a little bit on the freedoms of everyone. Each time you use a MicroSuite suit, you put your two cents to be able to fix the suit what is not normal. Each time you use a MicroSuite suit, you put your two cents to be able to know how it really the suit you wear is what is not normal. Each time you use a MicroSuite suit, you put your two cents to be able to reuse or share the suit which is not normal. Every time you wear a suit MicroSuite, a kitten dies.

¡No me mates!

course, that's not all bad: Every time you buy a suit MicroSuite, MicroSuite owner is a little richer. (But the owner of MicroSuite is who eats the hearts of dead kittens.)

In any case, whether you use free software or not, there's something you can not refuse: "Paco is shorter than Francisco" .