Funny the functioning of the human body's respiratory system, as well as the circulatory, excretory and locomotor. Even while being interesting, the nervous system is, in my opinion, one of the most complex. Each
allows us life, we can nourish the circulatory system to the cells of our body, with breathing breathing allows the locomotor movements, and the excretory ... excrete.
But ... and nervous? be as general as we have with other systems can be expected to say that we can think. But the interesting thing is that not only allows us to think, but many more things, such as remembering, seeing, hearing, taste, defend, attack, ... and above all learning.
Most think that you learn in terms of how you treat the environment in which you are (raised sticks, or between notes), however there are many more dimensions that influence a person's learning, some most influential of them (not important). Some of them are the relationship with parents since childhood, genetic legacy, or interaction with the environment.
Some of them are of an inherited, some social, and other contextual . Each of the dimensions mentioned above are, to date, the dispute over the supremacy of some over others.
only thing that makes them equal is common and how those lessons are carried out. We're talking about a very molar, very concrete and specific, that is, at the neuronal level.
When an unconditioned stimulus or EI (a light, sound, smell) is perceived by our body (or not, but suppose it is conditioned) to trigger a response that can be unconditional (RI ) or conditional (RC ). The difference between them is at a level understandable if one gives account or absence of the respondent. Example of an RI is a flicker or contraction of the pupils to perceive a very strong light, an example of an RC is singing a song when we hear his rhythm.
So all of these stimulus-response relationships work the same way, through connections synaptic . Donald Hebb formulated a principle that the cellular basis of learning involves the strengthening of a synapse that fires repeatedly when postsynaptic neuron discharge ( Hebb, 1949). By
LTP can do that a stimulus is more or less likely to trigger a response. This enhancement occurs by stimulation of the axons that carry information from the entorhinal cortex to the dentate gyrus caused a long-term increase in the magnitude of potential excitatory postsynaptic in neurons postsynaptic (Lomo, 1966).