Synesthesia and mirror neurons ten Networks incredible documentary about synesthesia.
what extent these people are adapted to our social environment?
Are there advantages or all inconventientes?
already raised the ancient philosophers, the realities may be different and so characteristic such as color vision.
sensory encoding the synaesthete demonstrate the existence (perceptual level) of auras, for example. And how is that? How they can live the people who are not synesthetic?
As it says in the documentary, is like having the mark of having looked directly at the sun.
Is a richer world sensory level? Or is it a reality just different?
If you think about it and with hindsight, can be as good and bad, as the person has the ability to adapt to their environment.
As Chambers says in the documentary, synesthesia gives both advantages and disadvantages. Keep in mind that the company has been created or has evolved / changed towards non synesthesia. So what could be considered synesthesia as a disability? Or a gift? A mutation of mirror neurons?
As the artist says he does not consider neither one thing nor the other. Language, for example, it harms and benefits you already having more wealth for their artistic creations, but there are certain languages \u200b\u200bthat it is almost impossible to learn them, because the encoding (in the brain) perceives it as wrong. He would also like to feel the music as we perceive it in isolation and not all synesthetes supplements that your brain says.
Do you have a hereditary component? "Gen known? if it were ... is dominant? Maybe tomorrow there are a number of synesthetes significant enough to change the environment to their advantage. Incredible