What they say in the TVE of the PP and PSOE? Does your PC CD or DVD? Do you lower the mail with POP or IMAP? Do you know how you affect the LSSI and the Data Protection Act? bad thing to use so many acronyms is that always end up confronting one who did not know, and then you realize you talk like real Martians.
And speaking we still have to pass, but the Anglo-Saxons ... The Anglo-Saxons to the acronyms is in-cre-í-ble! The first day you land in a forums in English, we find the typical start ASAP, FYI, IMHO, etc, etc, that everyone knows (everyone but you who are new in these conflicts). But you need not get in any forum: a bit as you move to anything regarding new technologies will find a long list of TCP / IP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, LDAP, PC, RAM, ROM, HD, CD, DVD, CPU, ALU, MIPS, AMD, IBM, RISC, SCSI, VB, HTML, XML, WWW, HTTP, SQL, URL ... The list is in-ter-mi-na-ble, and, worst of all is that these acronyms are so common terms that if you try to find the meaning of any of them is unknown you will have difficulty if you do not in an appropriate or a good site. Have you tried to find any of them in Google, as well as it?
So, of course, this paginilla long ago became one of my favorites:
Chicago Art Critics Association Tennessee Educational Technology Association TETA
Zapatero ZP President (English Socialist Workers Party slogan for 2004 elections)
PP Popular Party (Spain) Lessee Company
CAMPSA Oil Company Monopoly (English Petrochemical Company)CESAR Active Network Architecture Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research
DAVID Digital Audio / Video Interactive Decoder
PEDRO Pneumatic Energy Detector with Remote Optics
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