Monday, November 5, 2007

How Do You Take Magna Rx

To taste are the colors ... Save

As they say in Wikipedia , the first barrier of protection against viruses is user training. Anyway, if

  • ... use the windows system,
  • ... you or your computer you have some exchange of bits with something or someone that you not be you or your computer,
  • ... and have at least half a brain they shelter behind some common sense,

then, you know (I hope): need an antivirus.

Yes, but ... what? That is the question!

When choosing an antivirus, you have to weigh several aspects:

  • Effectiveness (which does not give false positives or false negatives)
  • Efficiency (not excessively overload the system)
  • Usability (easy to configure and use)
  • Price (how much and how often you pay for it)

What is antivirus software? Where do I find? Here is a list of more than thirty antivirus programs with the link to official web sites: / en / sobre.html

If you could measure all aspects of these programs, come to the conclusion that none is the best in all aspects . And, more importantly, come to the conclusion that none offers a 100% guarantee , ie none detected all viruses.

In conclusion, that:

  • tastes are colors for (none is "best")
  • We can never be 100% sure (whatever "the one")

Both in one as for the other, you'll do very well (if you do not know already) the page I've named before: . Virus Total is a service via totally free website that allows you to scan any file that you suspect may be a virus or be infected. The process is as simple as the world, the page gives you the option to choose a file (Browse ... button), select your suspicious file (resident on your computer), hit "Send File" and since is. Now you only have to wait a bit. The page will tell you that your file probably is in the queue and the position. Not have to wait long. When you touch, will review all antivirus appearing on the list above . We report real-time evolution of the process. An impressive utility .

great thing about it is not just that often goes where your antivirus does not arrive, but it helps to compare the effectiveness of both. Everyone you try it, and everyone that comes to their own conclusions on whether the cinnamon made or not made to pay annually for their religious and antivirus payment.

To finish, I'll tell you if you of those who rely more of the payment programs of opensource but it hurts the pocket and is dedicated to hacking, you should take a look (at least) to ClamWin and Winpooch . They are free, there is no charge, and you avoid the inconvenience of piracy. And maybe you take a surprise comparing its effectiveness with programs payment. Steal of necessity may be morally excusable, but stealing is stealing and aggravated ignorance: in addition to a thief, silly. And no plan!

Stealing the alien take for themselves, or steal in any way whatsoever.


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