Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How Much Is The Plan B At Walmart

Naked (or not) when you care where you put it

Are you for browsing the Internet with the slogan "if it is within my reach, it's mine? Do you have to present a paper, a report ... and do not feel like it? Do not worry! At the end of the day, there is nothing to write has not been written already. Simply look on the Internet, I leave, he put your name and you're done! See for example this recent institutional embarrassment.

Your company needs a website. Will you be so foolish as to hire a professional you make it? No, of course not: Download the Dreamweaver total pirate, search Internet a few pictures rather cool and carbonless web design that you like. That's it! Your company already has a very pretty page and very cheap.

Why are you worrying about copyright and such trifles rare? Overall, nothing ever happens ... (Until that happens, of course.)

Now seriously, to spare you any possible disappointment, it is best, the Internet, only use what you already have permission to use: that is, in principle, nothing . Nothing? Well ... either ... depends ...

in principle, has created work copyright (or copyright) , by the mere fact of having been created, from the moment of creation. This creates a very promising framework for traders and merchants, but not for those who bet on the spread of culture. Thus was born the copyleft . While the copyright establishing a restrictive legal framework in which you can not do anything with a work to the author (or the rights holder) gives you permission to do so, copyleft permissive establishes a legal framework in which the author gives you permission to do certain things with his work under certain conditions (without having to ask permission or pay anything for it).

What means all this stuff? To see an example, go to PCSofía (if you're not already). Notice in the column on the right and go down until almost the end, until the "Terms of Use." Here you can read that the author published in this blog under a Creative Commons license by-nc-sa. To find out what this means, click on the link therein. This page directs you to the license by-nc-sa , in which they explain that with what this man writes, you can (without asking permission or paying anything for it) to do anything except:

  • Do not give credit to the author of the content. Marketing
  • this work or its derivatives.
  • Share this book or its derivatives under a license other than this. Power

do this is much more that we can not do anything, right? And you can always ask for permission if you want to do other things ... :-) Now let

practical. The news is that Google allows you to search sensitive to these types of licenses, so that you can specify that only want to see pages that allow you to use their content commercially, o. .. To do this, go to the advanced search options and "use rights" to choose the option that best suits you.

As an example, compare the results of search results showing PCSofía:

Finally, if you've been wanting to know more about the exciting world of licensing and digital rights, we recommend that (in addition to the links we have put in the post) will read a little book called "ColorIURIS, an independent contribution to the free culture" , you have in pdf here: www.coloriuris.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/ci-el-libro. pdf . ColorIURIS is another one of those licensing schemes "liberators" but the book goes beyond to explain this system (which, in fact, only engaged the end of the book.) Most of this great little book is but a pleasant introduction to the world of digital rights. Easy to read and constantly peppered with little stories and references to build an essential cultural base in these areas. Really, it is worth a look: Instructive, entertaining and free, what more could you want?


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