Thursday, April 9, 2009

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The man baby

An explanation of thought abuser can be addressed from the most basic and primitive of all of us. At birth, infants do not distinguish between your body and what they see, indeed, think that the mother is an extension of his body, so that they cry when you're not around or stops crying when the mother pays attention. It is thus a way of trying to control his little body . us go to adult life: relationships, trust, security, ...
The man (or woman too, but statistically stands a man) of these characteristics (type abusive or sexist) sees his family following this period of security, confidence, after that time, unconsciously "appropriate" your partner's body and all its actions. Appropriates, as it were, his life.
This is when we compare with the babies, these people think that their partners are continuations of his body. This process is formed through a time of confidence, security. For this reason, abusers are not at first, but now over time.
Then, try to control the other person as a member (more comfortable) in your body. If it is revealed or tries to stop the abuser frustrated and try to reestablish control over "possession" on "your body", as the baby cries.

So for this to not happen (obviously taught, it evolves, the influence of the medium) the person has to tell her mother about her own body, ie from the first moment of relationship must take into account that person is independent, autonomous, and not at all an extension of your partner.

This perhaps is strongly related (from a psychoanalytic point of view ) to search for a maternal feeling for a gap in childhood.
This theory is by no explanatory or some 100%. It's just a thought or psychological speculation


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