Monday, March 1, 2010

What Can Help With Dilation

SFR and attribution errors

understood as a social construct. It is flexible, malleable and even influenced. In the latter, many others, we will focus.

What we know about memory, since the early philosophers began to speak of that power, has changed little. Recent researches in the field of psychophysiology has revealed new powers human memory. This is the activation of brain regions. When we think of past events are activated the same brain areas that if we do not have occurred in thoughts or future yet.

start talking SFR or False Memory Syndrome . This is a phenomenon recently discovered by Elizabeth Loftus. Getting instill false memories experimentally. Once achieved, were the same subjects who were "fortifying" false memories as they spoke of them. After completing the experimental session, subjects showed clear difficulties to take or accept that the memory was in fact false (De Rivera, J. and Fernandez Dols, J.). This syndrome may be associated with people who are detected in only hypnosis, have been tortured, socially isolated or other forms of mental weakness.
could do even mention historical events such as witch hunts, confessions and executions, indiscriminate use of the SFR which had great impact.

Another mystery of our memory is called the fundamental attribution error . They are mistakes that the memory of various types, discovered by Lee Ross (Ross, 1977) some years after the now-classic experiment conducted by Edward E. Jones and Victor Harris (1967).
Within this, highlight the "sins of omission" postulated by Dr. Daniel Schacter ( The seven sins of memory ), which are errors
transience, reveal memories of such transient, ephemeral or who tend to forget over time. Such information is forgotten with the passage of time.
distractibility errors concern, such as name and leads to errors by distraction. That is, during the action to remember we have not minimal attention required to remember and when we retrieve that information again, we could not identify any aspect recalls.
Others like the blockade, which is known as having something in the tip of the tongue, or hindsight bias with respect to the memories influenced by personal experiences, beliefs, ideologies, ... That is, what we feel at present, affects the evocation of past memories.

So we can conclude these two developments within psychology, we should not always rely on our memory as the only element of truth, because there are elements that may alter, amend or even invent, from experiences, ideologies and beliefs. Bibliography

Ruiz-Vargas, JM, memory keys, compilation, Ch.6 Syndrome false memory. Http://


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