Classification fires and extinguishing agents
The need to standardize the use of different extinguishing agents necessitated a fire classification taking into account the materials involved:
Class A substances combust
generating coals or embers glow, por ejemplo papel, cartón, telas, madera, carbón.
El agente de extinción más eficiente para este tipo de fuegos es el agua, seguido por el polvo químico seco, los agentes halogenados y en última instancia, por el dióxido de carbono.
Clase B:
sustancias combustibles líquidas, o que se licúan con la temperatura del fuego. Pueden ser solventes polares (alcoholes), no polares (hidrocarburos y sus derivados) y ciertos tipos de plásticos y sustancias sólidas (estearina, parafinas, grasas animales y vegetales, etc.).
El agente de extinción más eficiente es la espuma química y la espuma acuosa formadora de película (AFFF por sus iniciales en inglés), if it is appropriate in type and speed of application, followed by dry chemical, halogenated agents and carbon dioxide.
Class C:
substances or equipment that are connected to the mains powered.
elements are more efficient extinguishing agents and halogenated carbon dioxide, followed by dry chemical. Do not use water or its derivatives (foam) because of the electrically conductive characteristics that have salts it contains are at serious risk of electrocution.
Class D: combustible metals
(sodium, potassium, aluminum powder, zirconium).
extinguishing agents are specific to each of them. So we have an agent for sodium, one for the potassium, etc.
Class K:
This class is not yet accepted internationally, being applied especially in the U.S., and involves fats and oils in the kitchen (hence the name
[K = Kitchen = kitchen]).
element is more efficient extinguishing foam chemical / AFFF followed (according to research by U.S. firms) by the fine water spray and additive with potassium salts (WATER MIST), the dry chemical, halogenated agents and carbon dioxide . Magazine source
CAS number 10
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