Saturday, January 29, 2011

Scooby Doo Waffle Iron For Sale


leave me Oh my love for no reason

if I feel like a thorn in the heart

Oh love, love.

What is this feeling that overwhelms me
existence while worries me,

excites me and encourages me
the very thought.

Only love can leave you without reason
and sometimes with much inspiration to write

to say it or keep it forever in the hearts

Oh my love, always be a delusion

infinite in every heart.

Diosaoasis: Sometimes you lose your reason.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Provisional Patent Reporting Letter


Dems launches digital campaign aimed at various segments in order to prevent fires.

Phoenix Public Notice: General Adult
Objective: Awareness


Public Notice: General Adult
Objective: Awareness

Oven Public Notice: General Youth
Objective: Awareness

Powered by Dems - fire fighting

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Do Not Swallow Mouthwash

visual illusions explained and unexplained

video documentary of 10 visual illusions without explanation and explained.

We still have much to learn and learn from the human mind. It is interesting as it says Luis Miguel Martínez Otero, a neuroscientist at the Laboratory of Visual Neuroscience Institute of Alicante, how the brain works at a statistical level, ie can not store all the information we see, "but interprets and processes as have phylogenetically evolved.

Thanks Marga for the news.

Source to see and read the full story: web information

Friday, January 14, 2011

Essentialism Vs Perennialism

fire prevention tips for children in a fire

Teach your kids how to act in case of fire

Unfortunately, many kids try to hide when a fire, usually a closet, under the bed or in a corner. But, if they are taught how to act in case of fire, your children will be better prepared to protect themselves.
Teach your children that fire spreads very quickly, most fire-related deaths not caused by burns but from smoke inhalation and toxic fumes can leave a person unconscious within minutes. Children should learn:

- Cover your mouth and nose with a
to alla wet or a garment to avoid inhaling toxic gases during evacuation.

- crawl under
or smoke level to a safe place, keeping as close to ground (the smoke tends to rise forever.)

- Before opening a door, touch it to see if it is hot, and, if so, do not open it and find another exit .

- Locate the nearest stairway marked "Fire Exit" if they live in a multistory building or apartment block, or a fire escape if they can not access the ladder. Children should know never to use an elevator during a fire.

- Do not stop ever to find personal belongings or pets or to make a phone call during the evacuation.

- Never re-enter in a burning building once outside is safe.

- Stop, drop and roll on oneself to douse the flames if they turn any garment.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Social Security Number On Ohio Driver License

I give you lots of sugar to sweeten your life
as ever. Te regalo

so you do not miss ever

absolutely nothing. Te regalo

cotton to fill out a lot


heart I give you a cloth, wool,

what you want and place it on your pillow

not forget that my heart

always love you.

I only ask that I give away;

simple shoes for walking and walking and so

forget what which has
and a rosary to pray

for you by me and all

Diosaoasis: You can always give simple things that are carried with love.