Teach your kids how to act in case of fire
Unfortunately, many kids try to hide when a fire, usually a closet, under the bed or in a corner. But, if they are taught how to act in case of fire, your children will be better prepared to protect themselves.
Teach your children that fire spreads very quickly, most fire-related deaths not caused by burns but from smoke inhalation and toxic fumes can leave a person unconscious within minutes. Children should learn:
- Cover your mouth and nose with a to alla wet or a garment to avoid inhaling toxic gases during evacuation.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a to alla wet or a garment to avoid inhaling toxic gases during evacuation.
- crawl under or smoke level to a safe place, keeping as close to ground (the smoke tends to rise forever.)
- Before opening a door, touch it to see if it is hot, and, if so, do not open it and find another exit .
- Locate the nearest stairway marked "Fire Exit" if they live in a multistory building or apartment block, or a fire escape if they can not access the ladder. Children should know never to use an elevator during a fire.
- Do not stop ever to find personal belongings or pets or to make a phone call during the evacuation.
- Never re-enter in a burning building once outside is safe.
- Stop, drop and roll on oneself to douse the flames if they turn any garment.
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