Monday, April 11, 2011

Manual Bosch Dishwasher

Emergency Plan: Evacuation Route.

Plan and anticipate! If a fire breaks out in your home, you have few minutes to go. Everyone should know what to do and where to go if a fire

SAFETY GUIDELINES MAKE an escape plan. Draw a map of your home showing all doors and windows. Discuss the plan with family members

KNOW, if possible, at least two exits from every room. Make sure all doors and windows leading to the outside are easily opened

BE a meeting point outside (light pole, tree, mailbox, etc.) At a safe distance from the house and serve as a meeting of all . PRACTICE

plan overnight and the day at least twice a year. Use different outputs.

Teach children how to get out on your own if you could help them not

Close doors behind you as you leave the place. Go out and not go back to people or pets. SI

must escape through smoke, crouch and exit. CALL

fire department from outside your home


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