Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Baby Congratulaton Messages

When knowledge takes place

Because ... Who said that the computer is not fun?

We discussed in a previous article

that hides the Windows registry some things that, while serious, have their banter. Today it's talking about the windows allows you, instead of "hello to the French" shows you a message every time you boot: a legal notice, a welcome message, a reminder or something more playful.

Again ... BRIEF

POINT FOR IMPORTANT QUESTION AND ITS ANSWER: Question .- I can screw up stuff in it? Response .- Yes

Having said this, and if you have those who dare to mess with the registry of equispé, we'll get to work. It's simple: Go to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon and searches for the key


. Write on it something like "CRITICAL ERROR IN THE START." Next, locate the key 

and write on it something like "has been found
esfurullo flist in the BIOS of the system. This could lead to instability, loss of data and could even leave the computer completely unusable. Por favor, reinicie AHORA la computadora y, si el problema persiste, póngase en contacto con el Administrador.


Lógicamente el problema persistirá, pues windows mostrará siempre este mensaje al arrancar. Así que ya solo nos queda apagar el ordenador y... esperar que no tardando mucho lo encienda uno de esos usuarios que no distinguen muy bien el sistema operativo del procesador de textos. Cuando este acuda al Administrador (o a ti mismo, que providencialmente pasabas por ahí), la respuesta obligada será: - Pero, ¡qué has hecho! Esta frase ha de pronunciarse en un tono seco. Muy seco. Que no quede duda de que el usuario es el CULPABLE del esfurullamiento del flister. This is the right time to take advantage of the situation: - Well I have to manually reconfigure the unified flist ... But now I have a thirst that I die, so let's go before the bar (you're going to run you the cost, lol). Anyway, my friend, we approach Christmas and the day of the Holy Innocents, and I did not want to miss this opportunity to typical cointribuir joy of these days dear.: D


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