Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tell Bacterial Infection By Looking At Tongue

Panic Attack! Simply

It's not a defect in the web surfing and spend idle hours at the computer, paddling through the vast ocean of information, but occasionally I do. And sometimes encounter an interesting page that for whatever reason (because now I can not read because I want to take a look later, because I feel like, etc) want to save. The first option that one can come up with is to store the link in the "favorites" function. And not a bad choice but it has some risks. In my case I have a computer you access more people, some of them old enough to play, play with the operating system or browse been compulsively page-not always reliable. That is, there comes a time when the cacharrejo stop doing what you ask and requires more time to change functionality relaying. I have a special predisposition salvation to forget some things when you reinstall the operating system such as the list of my favorite links. Not that there is in them critical and vital information but that does not bother walking losing data. And worst of all, did not learn from my mistake and lost the data more than once.

Some time ago I found a utility simply delicious.

is a utility that lets you store your favorite URLs on a remote server classified with labels that you define (or you borrow from others who have already qualified this url or other similar content) .
The virtues of this service, from my point of view, are number:

Your bookmarks are safe, away from the evil that can be primed for your team. lets you sort of a very simple way in accordance with the criteria that you want, so the links are organized in the form of files in your folders (labels).

Lets share if you wish, your favorite links with the rest of the world.
gives you access to shared links from around the world, and incidentally discovered gems.

It's free, simply register with the server:
https: / / / register

  • Before Adding new links is required to identify yourself as a user of the system, whatever the mechanism used to use.

  • To save a new link there are several options.
  • Let's start with the basic, which does not require us to install anything.
    would enter the homepage of the server,
  • , and would click on the link
  • to enter login page https: / / / login . Write your username and password (which used to register the service) and if we wrote everything correctly and are ready to insert our link. To do this click on the link

  • post leads us to a new screen that requests the url we want to save. Once written press the save button

leading us to a new screen where you will complete the additional data required by the server to properly organize bond. These data are the following:

url: This item comes already filled in the previous screen. Do Not share : this box allows us to indicate if we want others to view our blogs (if it is unchecked our links will be visible to everyone). description: This field is essential (without it we are not allowed to save the link) and provides summary information of the content of the linked page, useful for a glance, know what that page.

  • notes: This field allows us to expand, if desired, the description of the link.

  • tags: This field will contain the tag or tags that allow us to classify our link. We can put as many labels as you want separated by spaces. This means that if we wanted to put the label contains spaces, the system will find many tags as words (ie, if the label did not exist, the service creates it). It is often advisable to a label that gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe content of the linked page. Each link can be labeled with as many labels as you want. For example if a certain page contains tips for MS Windows might label the link with the words:
  • windows, SO
  • , tricks.

  • In the bottom of the screen shows the list of labels that have already been created, so that we can reuse labels, which is good to prevent the reoccurrence of such gremlins fed after midnight.

  • Another option would be to use one of the extensions (or additions as they are called in version 2) of which provides the
  • FireFox browser as it might be Complete . This extension allows you to do what would be done on the server page, but from a browser dialog. If you click on the link above will install the extension. Before you can use it you need to configure it. To do this simply select the option from the menu that appears when you right-click anywhere on the page where you are and within the option select Options . We see a dialog with several tabs. We went to the Accounts tab and press the button it Add ...
  • . Introduced in the new window the name we give to the account (for example, our users), our users and our password. Once this is done we can work with our account and introduce new links. To add a new link to the page we want to save, with the right mouse button menu and select deploy Then select the option Post
  • current page, which will cause the emergence of a new window in which we are asked to enter the same data that we requested via the page, ie description (Description), labels (tags) and if we share or not the link (Private). In the same window we are three lists of tags, the higher (Recommended) contains tags that the service itself suggests. The central list (Your) contains our own tags (which have been introduced). The list below (Popular) contains tags that other users have entered the page you're saving (if anyone else has done.) Clicking on any tag in any of the lists we will fill our field of labels (tags). After entering the required information press the confirm button and our link will be stored.

  • This extension allows you to save links to our favorite sites but to see these saved links need to go into
. Another wonderful extension for FireFox , Foxilicious that gives us life enormously. This extension allows us to take our browser favorite links that have been stored in . Like its companion extension before using it should be set up. To do this, after installation go to the Tools menu and within it to Foxylicious. We see a new window. At the top is the identification section. Enter the username and password and you can press the button Update Bookmarks . This will create a directory structure with the root under the Bookmarks menu. Thus we move from the browser, our links stored in .


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