Monday, January 22, 2007

Case Flashy Flashers Inc

Googling Google Web Sharing shortcut

I do every day: I get to a website that I find interesting, copy the URL from the address bar, the stick in an email and sent it to my buddy in office saying that the "look at this ". This Thus, he only has to click to see what I teach.

But every time I get to places that I did not get that easy. Why? To not go into technicalities, let me cite an example.

Go to page RAE. Note that the URL is . Suppose we want to do a search on your dictionary. For this, we go to it by clicking on the first link, called "Dictionary of the English language." Ponte

10 if your powers of observation are so acute as to have noticed already that this article I could link the homepage of the SAR, but not I have done that the outcome of this click on link.

Right now you should have your browser's website of the English Language Dictionary, which can do the searches we wanted. A very interesting website we would like to add to your bookmarks or favorites to share with our friends and colleagues. But have you noticed in the URL? 's the same! again be:

So, at first glance, this forces us to make it this direction that we add to our bookmarks and share it with our friends. In the first case, we follow the route of clicks every time we want to get the dictionary. In the second case, we follow the URL of the mail with detailed instructions for the shift buddy can easily find the destination that you want to lead.

Then I tell you cause and solution of these joyous experiences with some webmasters have seen fit to offer us.

The Bad

The blame for this is a technique the antediluvian to divide a web page into pieces, usually with the good intention of putting the navigation controls (menus, buttons or links) one of them and contained in the other. These pieces are often called in frames English or frames in the mother tongue of Our Lady of the Red . And, although this technique fulfilled its role in its day, today is only applicable in sites primitive, among other things that are a toothache for visitors, as explained in the example.

How to know if we are in such a site? If you are a entendidillo of those who are managed with HTML already know: they check the source and look for the label \u0026lt;FRAME> . If, however, you do not read the labels more than the clothes, you will not be forced to look at the URLs that never change and that you can use be your best friend: FireFox!

The Buenos

You know that this accounts computesas activities with good friends: Google, the right mouse button, FireFox ... In particular the latter two make a great partner when you need to break the impasse of frames. When you're in a framed page, right click on things that interest you from the context menu you will find a dropdown option called "this frame ->". When you deploy you will find several options that will solve your problems with frames.

Thus FireFox restored peace to the Internet, and unevolved could still use their frames and visitors could use their pages without difficulty, and they were all happily ever after.

Everyone? According to my statistics, 2 / 3 visitors of this blog are happy staying true to the browser that came installed with their operating system. Things to love!


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