Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Explain The Four Typesof Business

Googling "Google? So what is it? Did you search on Google? Because ... That's what this article! to use Google to search for the meaning of terms unknown.

Brief aside:
remember once again that is not the same search that . I recommend using the first, and it will be used throughout the article. I recommend using the second (Google Spain) only for the "very English." In general, I recommend the English version of all the Google tools. I also recommend learning English, of course. End
brief phrase.

first thing we should do to find the meaning of an unfamiliar term is to go to one of the many dictionaries we have on the web: some are free and very good. For example, these: .

When dictionaries fall short, we can use encyclopedias. I think we all know and Wikipedia . In fact, Wikipedia is already so popular and already has so much content that, when searching in Google a term, most likely, one of the first results will lead to a corresponding Wikipedia entry.

If you've been practicing as you read, by now we have translated the title: "Googling Google" means "Searching Google Google." Nice expression and nice exercise. Sometimes dictionaries and encyclopedias are not sufficient. Can we find a definition of Google on the web without resorting to dictionaries ni enciclopedias?

Lógicamente, la búsqueda de "Google" en Google es bastante frustrante, pues se obtienen cerca de mil millones de resultados. Cuando el término que buscas es demasiado popular, es conveniente refinar de algún modo la búsqueda para filtrar los resultados.

Un primer truquillo está basado en un conocido juego con Google (sí, con Google también se puede jugar; y jugando se puede aprender). El juego consiste en buscar tu nombre seguido de "es", y ver así qué pone en Internet que tú eres. Una tontería, sí, pero si andas buscando qué es un flinster de este modo obtendrás todas las páginas con el texto "flinster es...". Of course, you will miss one that put something like "Flinster: esfurullo garrofónico used to ...".

truquillo A second, equally poor, is to look for phrases like "flinster meaning" or "definition of flinster." I remember the importance of quoting in this type of research. And I remind you that Google does not understand what you read, so when you search for "meaning of flinster" not going to get the pages you see the meaning of the word flinster, but you'll get the pages to appear the words "flinster meaning."

A much better solution (when it works) is the use of operator defined Google: when define: precedes the expression sought, the search results are pages that contain the words but their definitions . Check with an example: compare results from Google search or define: Google . Notice also in this case, how in the lower part gives you the ability to look up the definitions available in other languages, and how it offers the possibility to search for definitions of terms like.

Finally, note when you make your search (in English, I repeat) the information that shows you Google's Result: Yes, that which precedes the first output, that which makes something like this results to which from many for Search Words ( many seconds) . Well, if here in Search Words, is a link, that means know that term, and the link takes you to the definition.


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