Have problems with your computer memory is rare, rare, rare. Or in two words: very rare. It's weird because memory is a component that, in addition to cheap (pardon me), is quite reliable and usually does not crack. And it's strange because the memory faults manifest themselves in odd ways: it can happen to you, for example, that some applications Crunch occasionally for reasons unknown and unexplained.
When I say I mean crack crack , ie die and they do not give the typical application message sorry, sir, but I could not access this or that and, of course I continue, I'll die
. All they'll see is the typical system message saying something like operating the application that died suddenly without knowing how or why
I followed this in a stack dump, which is a message written in hexadecimal whose mission is to let the user clear that if Mr. Operating System has failed to explain the cause of death, for it even less.
But where some see problems others are finding opportunities, and that this randomness of the failures of memory can be used in your favor or in pursuit of some noble cause. For example, suppose you are the typical or PcGive or entendidillo Noob to the typical user or nisenimimportaquepaesostastú GGC (Great Freeloader Computer) that comes with that of:
GGC - Hi, Lucas. Look, I miss a rare thingwith the computer ...
From the very moment you hear those words ( rare thing), you already have prepared what will be your answer, because you know that GGC comes with the typical intended that you spend your time, knowledge and whatever is necessary to change your smile and, perhaps, a warm handshake. At this time starts a simple procedure: Let the
- GGC tell your problem. Make a
- battery of questions to GGC GGC the answer will not know. (Optional)
- Putting a face and blunt conclusion:
Hmnn, this will be the RAM , eh? This is going to have to bring into the store ...
There are many people with no intention of spending any money on anything that "smells" a computer (except the hardware, which is what they can see and touch) are the GGC . Thus, in this way, you've got your bit to make it clear to a GGC that, as there is a mechanical sir you fix the car, there is also a master computer you fix the computer, and both have the same right to eat, the same right to have a house and the same right to take holidays.
On the other hand, may have front who is not a GGC but a IPT (Undesirable Pirate Store). Fortunately, natural selection seems to go running and every time (it seems) there are fewer of them. When an IPT a customer returns a defective RAM, the IPT is considered only three options:
- I like defective RAM with chips and ketchup. Transform
- defective RAM on a necklace design and sell it on the trail.
- Coloco la RAM defectuosa en el equipo del próximo cliente.
Un típico IPT siempre opta por esta última alternativa. Esta es, probablemente, la razón de que todos los IPT de los que he tenido conocimiento hayan acabado cerrando sus respectivas tiendas. ¿Queda todavía alguno? No lo puedo asegurar.
Así pues, tenemos dos situaciones tipo en las que sería deseable comprobar la salud de nuestra RAM :
- Cuando nuestras aplicaciones cascan sin que podamos encontrar ningún otro motivo.
- Cuando nos acabamos de comprar la memoria.
Thankfully, check RAM is easy if you know how. For this you need a software specialist: memtest86 +, for example. You can download it free from its website www.memtest.org . It tells you everything you need to know about the program. As you see, is an open source program GPL licensed (or, in Christian better than free). The simplest
under normal circumstances will you download the ISO image and you save it on a CD (do not make the common mistake of saving the file as data instead of burn the image on the CD!). This will create a CD starting with which you must start the machine. Immediately you'll see a blue screen when Windoze those did not exist, in which the program will be telling you what you execute. Since then, all you have to do is wait. It's boring. It is a good time to go plant a tree, write a book or have a child.
not expect the program to finish, because it never ends. The test program and test and test, the Duracell Bunny dies, the program continues to prove, the descendants of the Duracell bunny die, the program continues to prove ... In short, that when you get tired, press Esc to end testing. If you leave a good while running, as icing on the cake. But if there is a memory failure is difficult not to find it in the first pass and found in later passes is much much much harder.
not expect a report at the end of execution. If the program finds a bug (and find where they exist!), You will see: the red over the blue highlights a lot. Otherwise, no news is good news
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