Saturday, December 12, 2009

Best Shoes To Prevent Shin Splints

cognitive intelligence

Not long ago I read an article my colleague L. Collection Olviedo Hidalgo made on different types of intelligence . There are theories that postulate the existence of 8, other 10, and the most ancient postulates only one.

However, I would argue for the existence of one more, within any group or category, and cognitive intelligence. I'll explain with a simple example for all to perceptual (/ me) entendais

my view is a mosaic of several. Cognitive intelligence has some spatial intelligence, a little logic, intrapersonal and naturalist perhaps. It leads me to think that is a higher grade, or at least different from the others.

Examples cognitive intelligence are more practical purposes, say some criminologists at the crime scenes, the mathematical issues involved in "seemingly" without order or direction, the software in source code, surgeons and neurosurgeons, artists and other visionaries.
's not just to see what is known or giving perspectives, but have the ability to see / perceive aspects or points of view largely unexplored. For explain it more clearly (but fantastic) would be like having a sixth sense.


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