Monday, December 14, 2009

Creative Masterbation For Men

perception of how childhood traumas

T engo first to thank you for your comment, to Lucas Hidalgo has been the genesis of this intro. With these actions, the fact that shades you with a comment or contribute an idea, a new entry, a reflection, or even (not so popular around here) a new idea in theory, make you see met and shared objective of the creation of that page.

all know now where to look for books, which make a run, which do an MA even where to write a book. But science, theories must continue to grow, and today the only science that is done is the experimental and coorelacional. We have forgotten how science emerged. Arose from the speculation , and very sinister you hear the word has no connotative meaning, and so began the philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Descartes). None of them had a laboratory, nor statistical packages (SPSS, Excel, ...) but trying to respond to what they saw and what does not, in the latter is the case of Sigmund Freud (unconscious, libido, systematization and topography of the mind, ...).

or qualify for responding to a comment from my colleague and co-author:
With respect to "irreversible consequences" to qualify something. Since the early age of the Little Albert a few conditioning sessions (Were not more than 10) do not imply the creation of a traumatic experience, and that babies are not the strongest experiences which the mark nearly a lifetime. No more early experiences are more stable but the most influential.
is the case of some ill-treatment or malnutrition (although in this case, if there is continuous fall in the secular trend process if conditions improve.)
Yes it is true that "the impact of a particular experience varies depending on the time course and characteristics of the subject" Development psychological and education, 1999 (Compilation J. Palacios, A. Marchesi and C. Coll)


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