Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shooting Pain Left Side

For a happy holiday fire extinguishers

As its name implies, are elements that contain small-sized pressurized extinguishing agents to facilitate rapid implementation at the beginning of fire. According to

containing extinguishing agent is identified on the label with the letter identifying the type of fire that will be used, so we triclosan extinguisher (ABC), BICLA (BC) or Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D and Class K (USA), and also according to the size, type and quality of the agent contained therein, is assigned a standard extinguishing potential.

rule, all extinguishers should be serviced once a year by a firm qualified to do so by the competent authorities (municipalities), which controls the cylinder pressure, the hydraulic test be the same, if necessary, control valves, hoses and nozzles, and quality and quantity of extinguishing agent.

addition to annual monitoring of fire extinguishers, it is important that they are not directly supported on the ground that the stir regularly to prevent dust caking
, and that all fire extinguishers that were used, regardless of the amount of agent used and the control gauge reading, be sent immediately to your charge.


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