Friday, November 5, 2010

Waist Wrap And Preparation H

Award Avda

Gatita caramel

look out that window too so happy and smiling. There

kitten who look out that window so cocky

and so charming.

If everyday you purr at your leisure

bedtime in the evening;
will be for a whim
nothing else.

're a cat owner who has

at home that night and day

kitten is lucky you, there are few cats

as privileged as you,
if you're the only cat that lives

in that house that is yours and nobody else
if they accept more cats

warns to take some more. There

kitten I look out the window such as mimosa

and smile all passed;
much life in that house cat

you see.

Diosaoasis: For animal lovers.

saw a cat in a window so I wrote this. Cats have always seemed sweet.

dedicate to my friend:

My friend


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