Sunday, November 7, 2010

London Fruit And Herb Company N Canada

psychology NOW


In summary and the original show:

English Psychology Health Requires Its Recognition
Prior to the enactment of Law 44/2003 on Management of Health Professions (LOPS), any rules define what professions were health and what not. When this law was passed in late 2003, the academic and professional psychology in Spain was surprised the exclusion of the BA in Psychology, as psychologists, so far, exerted health activities recognized as both public administrations and for Justice.
The exclusion of the Psychology of LOPS is a clear case of legal arbitrariness done:
  • Behind reality, ignoring the interests gener als and other hard-fold justify.
  • Behind the profession and the thousands of professionals who have spent decades Psychology addressing the psychological health of their patients.
  • Behind the University with over thirty of Schools of Psychology curricula with health unequivocally content, and including in the field of Health Sciences, and over forty thousand students of Psychology vast majority of which want to develop their career in the health field.
  • Behind the Administration itself, which in any situation that threatens the mental health of citizens: terrorist attacks, disasters, bad situations treatment, etc. is quick to set up counseling programs.
  • But mostly behind the company, which at the increasing incidence of mental disorders have exponentially increased the demand for psychological services to improve their health, as evidenced by the fact that all major companies private health insurance among their benefits have included psychological treatment. This reality is recognized by the public surveys that psychologists consider health professionals. Reality obvious to all ... except for officials of the government.
Despite the PSOE's electoral promises, at first when he came to power in 2004 denied the existence of a problem that leaves them in a situation of legal uncertainty for most of psychology. The mobilization of all groups of psychology and the contradictions that produced this absurd law, convinced the Ministry of Health to find a solution. But instead of opting for the most simple and logical: the recognition of studies in psychology as a health profession, preferred to pass bills that have either proven wrong or have dilated without any justification.
First, all-against-legal reports are intended to recognize Psychology queries such as health centers by a simple decree. Both legally absurd solution, because, as has been recently commissioned to remember the Supreme Court, a Ministerial Order can not change what is stated in law as the LOPS, and from the point of view simply logical: it is absurd to think that a considered as non-health professional could running a hospital. When in 2006 it became obvious impracticality and uselessness of this initiative, the Government proposed to create a new Masters in Health Psychology legally recognized health profession, which won also supported by all parliamentary groups. Although this was not the ideal solution, our vocation of public commitment and service to citizens led us to accept, to definitively resolve the legal reserve of our profession in the field of health in Spain.
Despite the time elapsed, the need to regulate university education in the European Higher Education Area, the continuing legal uncertainty in carrying out their work tens of thousands of psychologists in Spain and the constant calls from different agencies to launch an urgent basis of this Master, we today as ever. Worse, if possible, as the recent judgments of the courts, predictably, say that the practice of psychology in Spain can not be considered health without prior recognition by law
During this time, professional organizations and universities have continued working since the responsibility to maintain the quality of psychological services in Spain with the highest European standards, improving training and encouraging the provision of services under the code of conduct more stringent.
After nearly seven years, Government has not yet responded to the serious damage this causes to our profession and our patients receive services, impeding the improvement of controls over the quality of psychological care, while expectations are hurt labor thousands of psychology students in Spain.
Given the inactivity and lack of government commitment to solve this problem we can not help but feel betrayed our willingness and cooperation shown at this time, and we are forced to claim from the moment the support and the attention of the public to break down barriers in Spain is exercising the profession of psychology with the best guarantees for both providers and recipients of our services.
For immediate approval of the Masters in Health Psychology legally recognized health profession.
For the recognition of psychologists as health professionals .
For registration queries Psychology and health centers.
For the quality and recognition of psychology in Spain.
For the health and welfare of all.
Thanks for your support.
October 2010
General Council of Associations of Psychology in Spain
Deans Psychology Conference of English Universities

Psychology Students Collective of Spain


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