Monday, January 25, 2010

Letter Of Introduction From An Insurance Broker

Duck-foot Animal Psychology course, Behaviorism and Speculations

Wes, my French bulldog, has some difficulties in making canine friends. All bark will come forward to seeing him play. I commented that this was due to his color, because, as dogs are supposed to see in black and white, interpreted Wes was a black spot invasive species (Wes is black fur.) However, I recently discovered that this is not true that dogs distinguish other colors, and I leave with an instructional video:

Regardless, Wes found a friend pretty dog, Lupo was a white Scottish Terrier, who was the only one glad to see him come and we even sought to play with him. For a tragic story, Lupo owners died, and a neighbor took him in because he already had another dog, so do not involve much responsibility to download them both. Since then, Lupo not only did not want to play again with Wes, but every time she sees him from afar, he growls in a somewhat aggressive.

Lupo I wonder if, by some kind of partnership, identifies Wes with his past situation, in which she lived with her original owners in a different house. Lupo's behavior may be due to other factors, now shares his life with another canine companion, has changed owners and education influences that give character ... But really, and contrary to some extent the canon of Morgan, which I really wondering for a while now is: Do animals have feelings? Long thought not, now I'm not so sure.

Dear readers, the debate is served. Do you think that animals have feelings?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Discontinued Croscill Bathroom Accessories

music, dreams and psychoanalysis

The aim of this essay is trying to focus, from a psychoanalytic perspective, some facts of everyday life. In this particular case and as the text is based on personal experiences, will talk about two dreams I even have related. Let us first tell
dreams (First person to avoid confusion):

1. I was in a large room with white walls, which had various musical instruments. Specifically, what he was several batteries of different colors. One of these batteries was clearly mine, while two were two others who were present: Sergio and Juan de la Oliva. Sergio is a partner
drummer I've ever heard play but simply to see their set, I conclude that he should not touch anything wrong.
Juan de la Oliva is a professional drummer fifty-something years.
The three we were playing our instruments, the " Drummería " and I was noticing what others did. Then the other two stopped playing and just watched, not tested, but just listening. When I finished playing, Juan de la Oliva told me that she did nothing wrong, he could ... and I woke up.

2. I was in the bathhouse door, waiting for Virginia (a friend) came out, who had accompanied her. The campus seemed a kind of local outdoor, like a sort of club or party.
Virginia emerged from the bathroom, saying
- Well, it was the first.
- "The first what? - Asked.
not understand what he meant until I saw the nose is pointed. We walked until we reached the place where there were other friends and Violet (my girlfriend). It so happened that when we come to the site, began a performance of Afro-Brazilian batucada, which Violet and I joined in an impromptu roda. I woke up while we were still dancing to our cowbells, timbales and shakers.

analytical interpretations of these dreams may be very clear if we consider that as a drummer who I am, it is logical to dream about such things. Arguably, in both cases is a clear orientation toward a goal linked to the world percussion.
If you still have no doubt, be made clear that Juan de la Oliva is one of the people who think a great teacher and I've never had the opportunity to attend classes, and that took several years wanting to participate in this style batucada .
Thus, these two dreams can be considered as material geared to the satisfaction of desires of the id. What is less clear is whether this material can be considered unconscious, preconscious or conscious, because, despite having come to light during sleep, I find it easy to recognize why these things sleep, and I've never denied my desire of them.
Yet there is something in every dream that term to understand. In the first dream, I do not know what's Sergio also playing drums. In fact, I do not know what he is and not any other drummer I know. My relationship with does not go beyond a greeting. I guess his appearance somehow satisfy the desire, curiosity I feel for not having seen him play his instrument ever.
On the second dream, not quite understand why Virginia does the typical gesture of a person who just snorting cocaine. Guess that's all that that implies to me: Virginia is a relatively new person in my life, and meaning that can have that in my dream ever discovered drug that symbolizes the disappointment I suppose that these attitudes towards anyone.
may not have been a thorough analysis of dreams from the psychoanalytic approach, although they may be elements that are repeated, as is the world of percussion and the relationship to the world that surrounds this activity.
As analytical elements that have appeared include orientation to a goal, the satisfaction of the desire of the id and the emergence of some kind of unconscious material.

"Plato said that good
are content with what the bad dream came true
(Sigmund Freud)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sm Entertainment Stock


conjugaría all verbs in all
times in the present, past and future

Because we conjugate
talking all tenses and we

our feelings so that we LOVE.

And I feel your tenderness
sticks in my skin, your touch

comfort me my whole being. Roza

your skin with mine

make me feel a sense of tenderness that comes on your skin, feeling that we can combine
you and me.

Let me learn the word KISS

receiving from your lips the sweetness of your kiss

and so every morning SONG
thinking of you thinking
madness that makes me say and I do
LAUGH. Because the

WALK in the park I love to see

stroking the flower garden.

Because you can play with words

I reach the soul
with only love.

Diosaoasis: Verbs are always shining when you love most.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tally Accounts Access Violation

Afterimage negative and OFF cells

many metaphors were used to compare the physiological and functional system of psychological processes. Such as memory, attention, vision, hearing, ...
I want to focus on the vision and a phenomenon that we can experience all that are able to see.

Let us first briefly describing the physiology of vision in terms of uptake of the beam.

Light consists of waves elecromagnéticas, and as good waves enter the eye through the cornea, through the pupil and lens.
Once they reach the retina (back of the eye) are upholstered with a background of rods and cones that begin to transduce the energy of waves into nerve impulses.
Within the rods and cones (on the outside) are composed of millions of records of membrane, which in turn are composed of millions of photosensitive pigments. Within which there is bleaching of the pigments causing potential action.
This potential will change the rate at which is released neurotransmitter (messenger called glutamate).
But the phenomenon described is a bit more complex, and it has to do with the cell ON / OFF. Which are responsible for us to see black circles from the white stripes of this image.
Indeed, does it appear to be an optical illusion? Is this physical illusion? Physiologically and in my opinion in all other respects, it is an optical illusion, and that physics takes place before the light enters the eye. Which does not occur because cells are ON / OFF to change or modify the action potential in the presence of light. Its function is simple: we can distinguish edges and contours.

talk about the work of Schiller and Malpeli (1977) who studied the rebound effect that occurs when light is switched off again.
1) "The neurons whose discharge was inhibited by the presence of light will have a brief increase in discharge when off ".
2)" In contrast, neurons that increase their discharge light show a brief period of inhibition when the light goes out. "
Neil R. Carlson, Physiology of behavior , Chapter 6: Vision, 188

For this curious phenomenon, almost daily We are experiencing the point 1, since closing his eyes after seeing an outbreak a light source or an image with sufficient lighting to make it a negative in our eyelids (metaphorically speaking) we can see for a few seconds.

This is, in my opinion, the potential discharge cells emit OFF to turn off the light bulb which had previously weighed on the center of the receptive area of \u200b\u200bthe cell.

A had to spend just one day to associate this to an everyday phenomenon studied and their own names. It is, in this case, the negative afterimage, which is the image that looks after part of the retina is exposed to an intense visual stimulation, they are complementary colors of those who were in the physical stimuli (negative image). could retract all of the above, but I think there is a relationship between the two events: the negative afterimage and increased discharge rate of OFF cells to turn off the visual stimulus.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Best Cruise Line For 40 Year Olds

The seven sins of

Documentary Network program on memory allocation errors, the importance of forgetting, to unlearn ... in general: on the Seven Deadly Sins that produces memory. Not wasted.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lab One Diffusion And Osmosis Ap Bio Lab Report


Some time ago when I was studying the physiology of the human eye I noticed a curious concept called visual agnosia . This term refers to a disorder in the recognition, visual object, animal or person (more information than visual agnosia or Wiki
Neurology & Dementia ).

Excerpt from a case of visual agnosia Element magazine:

"And yet there was something wrong. I watched as he spoke, was orientated towards me and yet there was something strange that did not fit at all ... it was difficult to achieve. I concluded that I dealt with their ears, but not with the eyes. Here, instead of looking, observing to me, "to look at me" in the normal way, performed fixations sudden and strange (in my nose, my right ear, then down to the chin, then went up to my right eye) as if captured, as if studying even those individual items, but not entirely see my face, his expressions variables, "me" as a whole. I'm not sure it came time to fully understand this, just had a disturbing feeling of something strange, a failure in the normal relationship of gaze and expression. I saw, I recorded, and yet .....

- What's wrong with you? I asked at last.

"I think nothing," he replied with a smile but all I say something wrong in my view.

[...] and then excused to save the ophthalmoscope, I let him put on his shoe. I checked surprised after a minute that he had not.

- Want to help? I asked.

- Does it help? "Help who?

-Help you to put the shoe.

"Oh, yes, said I had forgotten the shoe, and said, sotto voce:" Does the shoe? Does the shoe?

seemed perplejo. "The Shoe" I repeated. You should wear it.

kept looking down, but not the shoe, with intense concentration, but inappropriate. Finally laid his eyes on his own feet.

- This is my shoe, right?

Had I misheard? Had he been wrong?

"It is the view," he explained, and directed his hand to his foot. This is my shoe, right?

"No, it is not. That is the foot. The shoe is there.

- Ah! I thought it was the foot.

kidding? Was I crazy? Was he blind? If that was one of his "strange error" was the strangest error I encountered in my life.

seemed also decide that the visit was over and started looking around for his hat. He reached out and grabbed his wife by trying to put it on the head. He seemed to have mistaken his wife for a hat! She seemed to be accustomed to those mishaps.
However, despite the obvious visual agnosia Mr. P., he had found a way to keep functioning reasonably continued giving lessons and, although he could not recognize her students for the face or on the bus by their form, was perfectly capable, just hearing the voice of a person or the noise produced by a motor, either immediately recognize and identify an approaching bus. We have in this case an alteration of the superior processing of information. What seems to have lost Mr. P. is part of the process of analysis and visual integration that lead us to recognize an object or a person. The face recognition seems a particularly complex and particularly labile. Think when we look at someone from far away, like a classmate we had not seen for several years and who immediately recognize, among several people, only to see it. How is this possible? How does the brain differentiate the characteristics of a person around you that are so similar? How many different people can you recognize at a glance? This is an example of the extraordinary capacity of analysis with neural networks in the visual cortex. Face recognition plays an important part in the neocortex of the areas visual and appear to be groups of neurons whose activity is closely related to the recognition of faces. These cells would, after other cortical areas have been identified the main features of a face, move to a process of integration and comparison with prior information to identify the individual concerned. The operation of these networks and neural circuits is shown in cases of brain damage, as there are injuries that can affect only the ability to recognize faces without changes in other intellectual functions. The loss of the ability to recognize faces is called prosopagnosia and, among others, was one of the symptoms of deep suffering visual agnosia Mr. P. Just modularity in the organization of the central nervous system is what determines that, just as sick of ulcer, heart or kidney failure and survived thanks to the adaptive changes experienced by the body and which constitute what we call disease, also can suffer from prosopagnosia of amnesia or the inability to name objects, and the individual adapts, self resets with astonishing capacity to their new condition. Fortunately the self is not an indivisible entity, is perfectly capable of being divided and limited, how far is divisible?, Do not know, know the minimum unit necessary to maintain the identity and self-awareness and sustain an independent intellectual life, able to think logically and fill the existing presence. "

Well, for this disorder that some people there counterbalance the perception of form through movement . This phenomenon was discovered by Grossman and Blake in 2001 and was a breakthrough not only within laboratories, but the outside world.

subjects but not can visually recognize objects can perceive the actions performed (such as someone who shared simulates a deck of cards or wear a wristwatch.) They may even recognize a known gait if they can not recognize his face or catch a ball when they are thrown (but being this static are incapable).

Neil R. Carlson, Physiology of behavior Chapter 6: Vision, 215-216