Monday, January 25, 2010

Letter Of Introduction From An Insurance Broker

Duck-foot Animal Psychology course, Behaviorism and Speculations

Wes, my French bulldog, has some difficulties in making canine friends. All bark will come forward to seeing him play. I commented that this was due to his color, because, as dogs are supposed to see in black and white, interpreted Wes was a black spot invasive species (Wes is black fur.) However, I recently discovered that this is not true that dogs distinguish other colors, and I leave with an instructional video:

Regardless, Wes found a friend pretty dog, Lupo was a white Scottish Terrier, who was the only one glad to see him come and we even sought to play with him. For a tragic story, Lupo owners died, and a neighbor took him in because he already had another dog, so do not involve much responsibility to download them both. Since then, Lupo not only did not want to play again with Wes, but every time she sees him from afar, he growls in a somewhat aggressive.

Lupo I wonder if, by some kind of partnership, identifies Wes with his past situation, in which she lived with her original owners in a different house. Lupo's behavior may be due to other factors, now shares his life with another canine companion, has changed owners and education influences that give character ... But really, and contrary to some extent the canon of Morgan, which I really wondering for a while now is: Do animals have feelings? Long thought not, now I'm not so sure.

Dear readers, the debate is served. Do you think that animals have feelings?


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