Monday, December 20, 2010

Power Wheelchair Headrest

candles, decorations and holiday lights are a growing cause of home fires. With these Dems simple advice about them you may use them safely. In Dems think you Happy Holidays!

Using candles

only needs a candle to put your home at risk.

Where to put the candles.

- rely on a heat resistant surface. The night candles generate much heat that can be transmitted directly to the base of support and if that surface capable of powering up (eg fabrics) will be in an outbreak of fire
- Inside a container to ensure its stability. A candle that falls often stays on.
- Out of reach of children and pets
- Away from curtains or other materials that can catch fire (flammable, matches, etc..)
- With at least one meter sailing and other surface interlaced on it (eg shelves)
- With at least 10cm between each candle.
- Far from clothes and hair
- Always extinguish the candles when leaving a room unattended.
- Extinguish candles smothering the flame, do not blow.
- Keep candles away from Christmas trees, decorative ribbons
- Always extinguish a candle before moving.

use of decorative lights

These lights are used only during the holidays, therefore the first step is to check the general condition of the same.

- Check for broken lights and take your time to tour the cable and check its status.
- Verify that the specified amperage fuse is
- Do not connect all the lights in the same connector
- Turn off lights when he retires or goes to sleep.
- Do not let bulbs touch anything that may ignite (paper, plastic, etc.).
- Do not use interior lights for outside.

Using fireworks

Extreme care when using fireworks. Use near fuel elements can cause a fire

- Keep fireworks under control, especially
supervise children - Make sure to calculate the path of pyrotechnics taking into consideration factors such as wind, roofing materials from the neighborhood, etc.
- Do not try to relight fireworks items are turned off, a fuse shorter dramatically reduces the time needed to get away wisely.

ALWAYS KEEP a fire extinguisher within reach, in places with potential fire (grill, barbecue, etc)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Extendoutlet For Tile

Master's Degree in Health Psychology, Assessment and Psychological Treatment Solution

After the change of name and refinición powers, the master's degree in Clinical Psychology will be held from January to the name of Master's Degree in Health Psychology, Psychological Assessment and Treatment.

With the authorization of the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science, the Andalusian, who previously had refused to give the green light to this degree (after starting the limitation period) at the University of Malaga, Seville and Granada on the grounds that he "was misleading by name and content to the specialty of Clinical Psychology," that is the specialized training that is given to internal psychological Residents (PIR).

Through Unified District page Andaluz may make regulations

Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Get Cheats On Gpsphone

Merry Christmas and New Year Kitty caramel Amiguitos


much goodness, congratulations





PD.Que have a beautiful Christmas and a wonderful New Year, friends who will fulfill their wishes and congratulations to you.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sims 3 Fix Service Initialization Failed

capable of storing 90GB of data in a gram of bacteria

cryptography and data storage are two of the most important reasons why computing was born and continues to grow today. But when we believed that the investigations were more or less stagnant, there is science to prove them wrong. Researchers at the University of Hong Kong carried out exactly as I say in the post title, strange as that sounds: able to store 90GB of information in 1 gram of bacteria.

"Microchips? "Si? "Aluminum? "Plastic? In the words of scientists:

explore the possibilities of using a biological system as an alternative solution for storage and data encryption.

Researchers have developed a "parallel storage system bacterial" which together with data encryption modules (which works, basically, randomized DNA sequences) and literacy (I / O), are planning to establish a kind standard in data storage in living cells.
Imagen enviada

The University published a paper detailing the Discovering and explain that for example 1 gram of cells is composed of 10 million cells and the Declaration of Independence of the United States is stored in just 18 bacterial cells. The PDF is a marvel, so if you are interested technical aspects have to read it.

As for the potential applications of this "hard disk biology" (which would also be incredibly safe and sturdy), mentions the storage of text, images, music and video, as well as the inclusion of "bar codes" which may serve as a means of identification between synthetic and natural bodies. The last feature mentioned in the PDF is to be inserted into cells Escherichia_coli copyright to verify the identity of the designer's body

Via: RPGamerZ - They store 90GB of data in one gram of bacteria

Sunday, November 7, 2010

London Fruit And Herb Company N Canada

psychology NOW


In summary and the original show:

English Psychology Health Requires Its Recognition
Prior to the enactment of Law 44/2003 on Management of Health Professions (LOPS), any rules define what professions were health and what not. When this law was passed in late 2003, the academic and professional psychology in Spain was surprised the exclusion of the BA in Psychology, as psychologists, so far, exerted health activities recognized as both public administrations and for Justice.
The exclusion of the Psychology of LOPS is a clear case of legal arbitrariness done:
  • Behind reality, ignoring the interests gener als and other hard-fold justify.
  • Behind the profession and the thousands of professionals who have spent decades Psychology addressing the psychological health of their patients.
  • Behind the University with over thirty of Schools of Psychology curricula with health unequivocally content, and including in the field of Health Sciences, and over forty thousand students of Psychology vast majority of which want to develop their career in the health field.
  • Behind the Administration itself, which in any situation that threatens the mental health of citizens: terrorist attacks, disasters, bad situations treatment, etc. is quick to set up counseling programs.
  • But mostly behind the company, which at the increasing incidence of mental disorders have exponentially increased the demand for psychological services to improve their health, as evidenced by the fact that all major companies private health insurance among their benefits have included psychological treatment. This reality is recognized by the public surveys that psychologists consider health professionals. Reality obvious to all ... except for officials of the government.
Despite the PSOE's electoral promises, at first when he came to power in 2004 denied the existence of a problem that leaves them in a situation of legal uncertainty for most of psychology. The mobilization of all groups of psychology and the contradictions that produced this absurd law, convinced the Ministry of Health to find a solution. But instead of opting for the most simple and logical: the recognition of studies in psychology as a health profession, preferred to pass bills that have either proven wrong or have dilated without any justification.
First, all-against-legal reports are intended to recognize Psychology queries such as health centers by a simple decree. Both legally absurd solution, because, as has been recently commissioned to remember the Supreme Court, a Ministerial Order can not change what is stated in law as the LOPS, and from the point of view simply logical: it is absurd to think that a considered as non-health professional could running a hospital. When in 2006 it became obvious impracticality and uselessness of this initiative, the Government proposed to create a new Masters in Health Psychology legally recognized health profession, which won also supported by all parliamentary groups. Although this was not the ideal solution, our vocation of public commitment and service to citizens led us to accept, to definitively resolve the legal reserve of our profession in the field of health in Spain.
Despite the time elapsed, the need to regulate university education in the European Higher Education Area, the continuing legal uncertainty in carrying out their work tens of thousands of psychologists in Spain and the constant calls from different agencies to launch an urgent basis of this Master, we today as ever. Worse, if possible, as the recent judgments of the courts, predictably, say that the practice of psychology in Spain can not be considered health without prior recognition by law
During this time, professional organizations and universities have continued working since the responsibility to maintain the quality of psychological services in Spain with the highest European standards, improving training and encouraging the provision of services under the code of conduct more stringent.
After nearly seven years, Government has not yet responded to the serious damage this causes to our profession and our patients receive services, impeding the improvement of controls over the quality of psychological care, while expectations are hurt labor thousands of psychology students in Spain.
Given the inactivity and lack of government commitment to solve this problem we can not help but feel betrayed our willingness and cooperation shown at this time, and we are forced to claim from the moment the support and the attention of the public to break down barriers in Spain is exercising the profession of psychology with the best guarantees for both providers and recipients of our services.
For immediate approval of the Masters in Health Psychology legally recognized health profession.
For the recognition of psychologists as health professionals .
For registration queries Psychology and health centers.
For the quality and recognition of psychology in Spain.
For the health and welfare of all.
Thanks for your support.
October 2010
General Council of Associations of Psychology in Spain
Deans Psychology Conference of English Universities

Psychology Students Collective of Spain

Friday, November 5, 2010

Waist Wrap And Preparation H

Award Avda

Gatita caramel

look out that window too so happy and smiling. There

kitten who look out that window so cocky

and so charming.

If everyday you purr at your leisure

bedtime in the evening;
will be for a whim
nothing else.

're a cat owner who has

at home that night and day

kitten is lucky you, there are few cats

as privileged as you,
if you're the only cat that lives

in that house that is yours and nobody else
if they accept more cats

warns to take some more. There

kitten I look out the window such as mimosa

and smile all passed;
much life in that house cat

you see.

Diosaoasis: For animal lovers.

saw a cat in a window so I wrote this. Cats have always seemed sweet.

dedicate to my friend:

My friend

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shooting Pain Left Side

For a happy holiday fire extinguishers

As its name implies, are elements that contain small-sized pressurized extinguishing agents to facilitate rapid implementation at the beginning of fire. According to

containing extinguishing agent is identified on the label with the letter identifying the type of fire that will be used, so we triclosan extinguisher (ABC), BICLA (BC) or Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D and Class K (USA), and also according to the size, type and quality of the agent contained therein, is assigned a standard extinguishing potential.

rule, all extinguishers should be serviced once a year by a firm qualified to do so by the competent authorities (municipalities), which controls the cylinder pressure, the hydraulic test be the same, if necessary, control valves, hoses and nozzles, and quality and quantity of extinguishing agent.

addition to annual monitoring of fire extinguishers, it is important that they are not directly supported on the ground that the stir regularly to prevent dust caking
, and that all fire extinguishers that were used, regardless of the amount of agent used and the control gauge reading, be sent immediately to your charge.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Substitute Polaroid Film

The Writers

The page has done me the honor to integrate with one of my writings in volume .

Please share with me thank you very much volume.

visit it has many very interesting written the truth I was very fascinated to enter your blog and read written very beautiful.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yellow Watery Stool In One Month Old

Misery charged by a Chinese worker making a

This figure is striking in conjunction with the report of the working conditions of employees of Foxconn, a company responsible for making the iPhone and based in China, embroiled in controversy over a spate of suicides.

By contrast, the report highlights that the profit margins Apple's iPhone around 60 percent.

Last June, iSuppli also the total costs of manufacturing the device at $ 188 (152.4 euros). The analysis was with the 16 GB version of iPhone 4, which could be purchased for $ 199 (161.3 euros) in the United States, which had to add a consumer contract with AT & T.

Some of the prices of the pieces were, for example, the gyroscope chip in $ 2.6 (2.1 euros) or A4 chip manufactured by Samsung, $ 10.75 (8.7 euros). The most expensive component was the screen of the device, manufactured by LG Display at a cost of 28.5 U.S. dollars (23 euros).

Tremendo as such company may have so many followers, when each 2x3 splash us with news of this kind. Sorry for the people who gush, even when reciting the word dignity.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Waxing For Men Erection

Classification fires and extinguishing agents

The need to standardize the use of different extinguishing agents necessitated a fire classification taking into account the materials involved:

Class A substances combust
generating coals or embers glow, por ejemplo papel, cartón, telas, madera, carbón.
El agente de extinción más eficiente para este tipo de fuegos es el agua, seguido por el polvo químico seco, los agentes halogenados y en última instancia, por el dióxido de carbono.

Clase B:
sustancias combustibles líquidas, o que se licúan con la temperatura del fuego. Pueden ser solventes polares (alcoholes), no polares (hidrocarburos y sus derivados) y ciertos tipos de plásticos y sustancias sólidas (estearina, parafinas, grasas animales y vegetales, etc.).
El agente de extinción más eficiente es la espuma química y la espuma acuosa formadora de película (AFFF por sus iniciales en inglés), if it is appropriate in type and speed of application, followed by dry chemical, halogenated agents and carbon dioxide.

Class C:
substances or equipment that are connected to the mains powered.
elements are more efficient extinguishing agents and halogenated carbon dioxide, followed by dry chemical. Do not use water or its derivatives (foam) because of the electrically conductive characteristics that have salts it contains are at serious risk of electrocution.

Class D: combustible metals
(sodium, potassium, aluminum powder, zirconium).
extinguishing agents are specific to each of them. So we have an agent for sodium, one for the potassium, etc.

Class K:
This class is not yet accepted internationally, being applied especially in the U.S., and involves fats and oils in the kitchen (hence the name
[K = Kitchen = kitchen]).
element is more efficient extinguishing foam chemical / AFFF followed (according to research by U.S. firms) by the fine water spray and additive with potassium salts (WATER MIST), the dry chemical, halogenated agents and carbon dioxide . Magazine source

CAS number 10

Powered by Dems - fire extinguishing agents

Friday, September 24, 2010

Labeled Pic Of The Air

My thoughts are renewed each passing day

to convert

in lines that come from the soul.

So shoot me!

how trees drop their leaves when
in the fall, and change my ideas

for better.

I look with optimism to the world

listening to the birds sing their judge
that song in the fall
enjoyed giving

dominance of its existence.

This nature so full of beauty of birds huddled
, giving his morning

sing for joy and hope,
giving the certainty of life
of its existence in the field.

I am excited and looking at the world

small birds in the hopes of the first flight.

full of mystery I
look as stunning mountain and immovable

to discover the mystery in a step by step
walking in each location.
Diosaoasis: Renewing now my ideas.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How To Write Acommercial Offer


Welcome to the new blog, which revolved around the Android universe, and especially around its new star.

Can Chickenpox Make You Infertile

iPhone Android Set to optimize battery consumption on Samsung Galaxy S.

Well here we made a small compilation of all the options that can affect the battery consumption of the terminal. Some affected more directly than others, but they all add up. I have classified into several sections, to ensure that more clear:


- The brightness is probably what most sucks, which must take special care in the levels we use. We keep trying to leave the minimum level at which we see easily, never coming to eyestrain. Manually set to 4-6% is usually fine (with the application MySettings can be easily adjusted). This is more than enough in most cases, where more can be given quickly to the notification bar icon or widget power control and fixed. Set the brightness automatically in advance may seem like the best option, but to think that also means that the light sensor and measuring is continuously working with its corresponding consumption.

- Adjust the brightness level also we have set in Internet browsers, GPS applications and video players mainly because they are independent of the system.

- When we go to leave the mobile tranquil, get used to bunt to give the power button to go to sleep immediately. It seems silly, but if we account ... Let's say we do 25 times a day easy, multiplied by the 30 seconds that we have set up to go to inactivity leave us about 750 seconds (more than 12 minutes!) That the terminal has been active in a single day, in vain .


- Beware of widgets, which are very nice but tend to consume network resources. I refer especially to those who tend to be continually running and / or updating data.

- Use a non-animated background, and the predominant tone black / dark, which require less light in the pixels and therefore less energy to be visualized.

- Disable animations for transitions between windows (Settings - Sound and Display - Entertainment - No animation.)

- Disable sound when typing on the screen.

- Turn off the vibration when you touch the screen.

- Clear the selection audible.

- Moderate amounts of incoming call notification, multimedia, and messaging system.

- Assign timeout at 15-30 seconds.

- If you use release pattern, off use a tactile response.

- Off the tune that sounds when you turn the phone. The first few times good, but then even a bit tired. And if you are someone who enciences / off daily probably be interested. It is made from the comfort of SGS Utility Tools: Modify Boot Sound / Shutdown Sound.

- Disable power saving mode (Settings - Sound and screen - power saving mode). Is a utility that continuously measures the white balance and brightness levels. It is a further process to consume, if we already have some level of brightness, dark background and disabled the automatic brightness, little is going to solve. And in the end it burns more battery that saves us.


- Remember to turn off Wifi - Bluetooth - GPS when not in use.

- How to take this into GSM network while you're not using 3G for data or video. We usually best coverage and does not waste battery data and unnecessary traffic. (Settings - Mobile networks - Network mode - GSM only). Another option we tend to connect more comfortable if it is taken into 3G mode, but data connections disabled. A quick and effective way to do this is with the free market of APNdroid.

- To use the wireless at home, consider using static IP instead of dynamic. Always go better on the net, except that to use certain applications will be indispensable to take it. And while a percentage will avoid unnecessary shipping / receiving packets to negotiate / renew IP, request configuration data transfer ...

- Check the configuration of wireless inactivity policy. In Settings - Wireless - Wireless Settings - Advanced, you can have it set to never , which although the phone is in standby, it really is permanently connected to the network, with significant expense.

- Off reference data (Settings - Accounts and timing). This is the loophole through which applications connect in the background with little control, it saves more battery power than it might seem, and the way we can better control our privacy.

- Disable automatic syncing (Settings - Accounts and synchronization - Auto Sync.) This will make for example the calendar and mail checks occur automatically, but when we indicate or we need.

- Off Use networks as we do not need to issue some locations (Settings - Location and security).

- Off Use my location until it is then necessary (Settings - Privacy - Use my location.)

- Disable automatic checking Samsung applications (in Applications - Samsung Apps - Disabled).

- Disable broadcast messages (Messaging - Settings - Activation of CB).

- Disable automatic time synchronization (Settings - Time - Auto.)

- If we are often periods of time without coverage, you should change as both the flight mode. So the phone does not try vainly searching for networks, with full power of your antenna as well.


- Check occasionally the availability of firmware updates and upgrades, since one of the feature often is just getting better and consumption. In this complete thread Go Back see at any time as is the situation.

- Monitor and control the application of instant messaging, and although it may seem that most of time doing nothing, really active and are permanently connected to the network.

- Instead of having some programilla to constantly tell us the percentage of time remaining, it is more practical to change directory icon the system. So we stay more elegant, and spare us another application in memory. Again in this thread Go Back is a very good handbook to do so.

- NoLED. For those who use this exciting application, remember that when you get the notice keeps the screen on, with a corresponding expense. It is advisable to limit the duration Announcement to 1 hour for example, typically enough time to see, and also reverses frequent email alerts to keep you connect to us alone and check every so often. From what I tested, for every hour that we have some little icon on the screen consumes about 10% extra battery, so watch, hence the recommendation to limit the time of the notice. And for long periods of time when we are not going to ignore the phone, for example at night, it is interesting to use the new option of time off and time on the alert.

- When ready to leave the phone idle for a period (overnight, for example), coping using a task killer to close unnecessary applications before it unserviceable. Some of these tools, such as Advanced Task Killer can be configured to also release resources every time X automatically.

- Monitor the applications you install, as there are some that are running continuously as background services, with consequent consumption. Use only the essentials with these characteristics.

- Check often more detailed statistics of our consumption, by pressing * # * # 4636 # * # * Often find little use and applications that have a high consumption above.

- also helpful to add a shortcut to the battery on the home screen. This can be more directly controlling what is eating up the phone, either the screen, music player, browser ... To do this tap the screen and select Shortcuts - Settings - Using the battery.

Many of these recommendations can be checked and on / off easily with some free utilities, such as MySettings, SGS tools ...

- 22/09/2010: Added various tips (energy saving, static IP, check for updates, the battery icon), corrections of others, and removed the control of the frequencies of micro .
- 15/10/2010: point out some details and added some other suggestions.
- 10/11/2010: A few more remarks.

Obviously the list can be completed by all, so suggestions are welcome:)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Syphilis Chancre Pop Like Pimple

The sadness I renew my Blog Birthday


walk over the dunes

Coast deserted with all my sorrows, for the wind

convert them en polvo
y dejen de existir.

Porque veces mis penas
más profundas
las quise ocultar
ahora las tengo que olvidar.

Enterraré todas mis penas
lejos donde nadie
pueda encontrarlas
donde el viento
las diluya con el tiempo.

Ahora solo sembraré
semillas de alegrías
cerca de las flores
para que cada día
florezcan más
mis alegrías.

Diosaoasis: Las tristezas se deben olvidar.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bogen (by Manfrotto) 3221

On August 9 another birthday I created my blog. Age 2.
Thanks to all my friends for supporting me by visiting my blog, have taken the time to let your text messages.
friendship We had a great blogger. I thank you wholeheartedly for your visits.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Indian Wife Boobs .com

While still in the rain

Today is a

rainy afternoon my coat

is so wet and my shoes muddy
and still I have some verses

flowing in my mind. However

although this so
cloudy rain

caresses my skin, bringing forth

soul-flavored phrases

What an inspiration for this heart

that is so full of love

raining and I can still write some verses

the rain.
Diosaoasis: The rain inspires me a lot about love. It has always seemed very romantic.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Good Songs To Run Out To For Baketball

Proper use of fire extinguisher

Here's a video that shows the correct use of a fire extinguisher. In this case it is a Class ABC extinguisher powder, the same as that recommended for its versatility to take home or car. Removed
sure the fire extinguisher, situated away from heat, taking care to not direct the wind and the flames and heat toward you activate the extinguisher
After pulling the lever, direct discharge to the base of the fire. Sweep
it until the fire is completely extinguished

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Start Celexa One Quarter Dose

My ice cream cone I love

Today I provoke with my vanilla ice cream and coconut

because although it's cold like ice cream

That ice cream is delicious!
at any time of year

always want ice cream, coconut and vanilla
upside down or right

always ice cream is very cold.

Although winter is so cold, I always

have a cone of ice cream,
and if you are next in your love

he finishes

eating all your ice cream.
Diosaoasis: The ice cream is delicious in any season.

Friday, June 4, 2010

How To Pour Cake Batter Into Cupcake Paper

I love today, to feel

so happy all day. I love having you

so close to my lips, I just want

area to feel the aroma of filter

and stop feeling
the I freezing cold.

'll love you forever love you
tea without coffee

love you and loved you and without tea

love you and loved you and never thought

in wanting tea and love.
Diosaoasis: Dedicated to that special someone, once I saw near a staircase.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Plastic Pots Wholesale Ontario

Goodbye Princess Sail Award

look abroad as
feel proud, as flames

its flag in the wind. Goodbye

sailing tomorrow in my port of Callao

I have seen you.

years back the other boat

full of hope and dreams,
back because I miss

and you do not see you.
Diosaoasis: Dedicated to the Bicentennial Commemoration of 12 countries came to Callao - Peru. I wrote before seeing them.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Get Rid Of Chemical Smell From Carpet

I was
delivered: Lulu: , I also had La Boca del Lobo and I put in my blog stories.
This I give to my girlfriends: I meet

1) Say you love the author Mario Vargas Llosa, but several.
2) Name an author who loathe: None, I think all who take a book they want to provide their stories, their life or what they imagine.
3) The book that you like: Hot Chocolate is one of them.
4) What excites you ever?: The sweet and imaginative details are not copied.
5) Something you hate?: The insesibilidad to animals. Cruelty Disloyalty.
6) Pass the award to 7 blogs:

Princess: Jessica: For your cute little stories.
Princess: Suilani: For delicate poems.
Princess: Their stories
Princess: Their stories
Princess: http:// shed feelings for each post.
Princess: Por la dulzura
Princesa: Poemas que brindan profundidad.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wholesale Chicken Ohio

My cat white with black

Mi gatita es de color
negro con blanco
es simpática y alegre
sus ojos verdes
me alumbran como luces
en la noche.

Mi gatita se llama
maulla mucho en la mañana
rie mucho en la tarde
y come mucho

Mi gatita
sleep all afternoon when I caress her head

and scratched legs.

Their delicate nails embedded in my dress

one to one

pull them off one to one
caress, that's my cat

delicate as herself

meow meow there goes my cat walking

the roof.
Diosaoasis: Dedicated to the cat I once had. Also my friend
flirty kitten

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dirt Bike Motorcross Cake Ideas

Cultural Week (Joint)

week from 3 to 7 May will be held on the campus of Camilo Jose Cela. The schools organized Philosophy & Psychology & CCEducación.

Programming can find it in this pdf.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Predict My Baby's Hair Colour

Mama when I kiss you I feel I am small
as a sweet girl who feels

your side, he feels tenderly

in your arms

when I bundle up your child on your chest.

'm big but I think that no child grows when

is on your side.

I will always be a small
your side and if I move away from you know that there

a girl in my
when you're by my side.

Diosaoasis: Every child is always small for his mother. Dedicated to my mother.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Graphs On Smoking Bans


26.27 The next day April 28th and will lead the National Congress of Psychology Students. This year it is the turn to the U.S. and the meeting will be held in the Andalusian city of Seville.
Some features of the conference is the participation of students in the east, recent presentation by a psychologist named best Vicente Manzano, Luis Rodriguez Franco, ... among others.

Here we leave a small sketch (to be completed) in the congress.
SCHEDULE MONDAY: 9:00 to 10:30 Opening
and collection of material
10:45 to 12:15 M ª José Lera: "Golden 5"
12:30 to 14:00 Vicente Manzano: "Ethics in the study of the methodology" 16:00 to 17:30
Francisco Tortosa Gil "Areas of involvement of psychologists in Road Safety."
17:45 to 19:15 Vallo Jose Antonio Suarez, "Psychological intervention in victims of terrorism" Psychology Without Borders. Madrid Ismael Quintanilla
19:30 to 21:00: "economic psychology" Universidad de Valencia
TUESDAY: 9:00 to 10:30
Dr. Jesus Gomez Love: "Influence of stress on memory" 10:45 to 12:15 University of Murcia
Rafael Moreno: "Scientific method in daily life. A guide to psychological well-being "
12:30 to 14:00 Juan Ignacio Aragones. Environmental Psychology. Architecture Sustainable Development. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 16:00 to 17:30
Garcia Alexandre Mas. "Sleep and dreams in the athletes' University of the Balearic Islands
17:45 to 19:15 President of the Psychology Without Borders. Madrid. 19:30 to 21:00
Eugene Carpenter. "Factors associated with sexual risk behaviors in adolescence" Universidad de Salamanca
These are Some of the workshops that offer on Wednesday.
- Alex Galvao (Laboratory of Physiology)
- Mary Lameira (Sexuality)
- Alberto Leal (heart coherence)
- Pablo Cesar Olivos (Environmental Psychology).
- Augustine (Psychologists Without Borders)
- David Moreno (Cinema and psychotherapy)
- M ª Antonia Salamanque (EMDR)
- Manuel Cenizo (Theater and Forum)
- Pablo Álvarez Castaño (sports psychology: the art of chess)
- Tamara Hernandez (Workshops older)
- Carlos de la Orden: Victimiología.
- Luis Rodríguez Franco: Gender violence in teen dating.
- Manuel Alcántara: Enneagram.
- Nicolás Cano Hernández (thesis on human behavior)
- Kiko Medina (Human Resources)
- Ana López Suárez (Behavior Analysis)
- Samuel Rueda (creativity and lateral thinking)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Phenargan Drowsiness Time

When Mama is near I want CHOCOLATE Easter

I want to eat chocolate to kiss
flavored chocolate. Today

beats me I'll eat a chocolate

to cloying. I want chocolate

only to feel a little like love

this morning. There

chocolate choco late

as I love chocolate.

I love chocolate choco
why is that?
be releasing endorphins is phenylethylamine

Or is it?.

If I ate so much chocolate

kisses at night I know chocolate. There


that feeling of happiness you give me
with just a
proven nothing. Oops

that chocolate is rich
makes me salivate just a taste

a tabletita.

Diosaoasis: I love the chocolate is delicious.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Happened To Brooke From I Deep Throat

Easter is about days of reflection in our lives, a reason to open our hearts.

May you all spend time in spiritual reconfortación, and God pours out blessings to all of you who will enlighten our hearts, we always strength in adversity.

A hug.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do Syphilis Chancres Pop Like

Earth Hour Back

March 27, 2010.
from 8:30 to 9:30 PM.

When and how will Earth Hour?

The fourth edition of Earth Hour will March 27, 2010 at 8: 30 pm . Local time. WWF promotes this initiative in close coordination with authorities, businesses and media to homes, businesses and cities extinguish our lights and appliances demonstrate the commitment of all Peruvians to care for our planet and combating global warming.

What is Earth Hour?

is as simple as pushing a button and turn off the light. Earth Hour is the largest environmental campaign in history. It consists of turning off the lights - and any electrical equipment expendable - for an hour, in order to demonstrate that each of us can have a positive impact in reducing global energy consumption and fight climate change. Saturday March 27, 2010, hundreds of millions of people around the world will participate and you can join and make the change. "It's a social movement largest ever seen by mankind. " Earth Hour is a message of hope and action. Join the crusade of Earth Hour 2010. This March 27 at 8:30 pm Turn off the light. illuminate the future.

MARCH 2010 TIME: 20:30 TO 9:30 p.m.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Why Do Alcoholics Have Big Noses

That revives the hope for is dead at this time

Oh how sad is this morning!

because these very sad because you suffer,
and joy I will not know where you are

hope back again to my heart because this

leaves me no reason not to believe without understanding

peace returns to calm down

Dear God I ask you a lot of hope

because we run out. I pray

for all who suffer because of disasters
Chile, Peru (Cuzco), Spain, Haiti ..
a prayer for them.

Diosaoasis: Dedicated to my friend Francisco (Spain)