Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How Much Is The Plan B At Walmart

Naked (or not) when you care where you put it

Are you for browsing the Internet with the slogan "if it is within my reach, it's mine? Do you have to present a paper, a report ... and do not feel like it? Do not worry! At the end of the day, there is nothing to write has not been written already. Simply look on the Internet, I leave, he put your name and you're done! See for example this recent institutional embarrassment.

Your company needs a website. Will you be so foolish as to hire a professional you make it? No, of course not: Download the Dreamweaver total pirate, search Internet a few pictures rather cool and carbonless web design that you like. That's it! Your company already has a very pretty page and very cheap.

Why are you worrying about copyright and such trifles rare? Overall, nothing ever happens ... (Until that happens, of course.)

Now seriously, to spare you any possible disappointment, it is best, the Internet, only use what you already have permission to use: that is, in principle, nothing . Nothing? Well ... either ... depends ...

in principle, has created work copyright (or copyright) , by the mere fact of having been created, from the moment of creation. This creates a very promising framework for traders and merchants, but not for those who bet on the spread of culture. Thus was born the copyleft . While the copyright establishing a restrictive legal framework in which you can not do anything with a work to the author (or the rights holder) gives you permission to do so, copyleft permissive establishes a legal framework in which the author gives you permission to do certain things with his work under certain conditions (without having to ask permission or pay anything for it).

What means all this stuff? To see an example, go to PCSofía (if you're not already). Notice in the column on the right and go down until almost the end, until the "Terms of Use." Here you can read that the author published in this blog under a Creative Commons license by-nc-sa. To find out what this means, click on the link therein. This page directs you to the license by-nc-sa , in which they explain that with what this man writes, you can (without asking permission or paying anything for it) to do anything except:

  • Do not give credit to the author of the content. Marketing
  • this work or its derivatives.
  • Share this book or its derivatives under a license other than this. Power

do this is much more that we can not do anything, right? And you can always ask for permission if you want to do other things ... :-) Now let

practical. The news is that Google allows you to search sensitive to these types of licenses, so that you can specify that only want to see pages that allow you to use their content commercially, o. .. To do this, go to the advanced search options and "use rights" to choose the option that best suits you.

As an example, compare the results of search results showing PCSofía:

Finally, if you've been wanting to know more about the exciting world of licensing and digital rights, we recommend that (in addition to the links we have put in the post) will read a little book called "ColorIURIS, an independent contribution to the free culture" , you have in pdf here: www.coloriuris.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/ci-el-libro. pdf . ColorIURIS is another one of those licensing schemes "liberators" but the book goes beyond to explain this system (which, in fact, only engaged the end of the book.) Most of this great little book is but a pleasant introduction to the world of digital rights. Easy to read and constantly peppered with little stories and references to build an essential cultural base in these areas. Really, it is worth a look: Instructive, entertaining and free, what more could you want?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Puffle Hair Styles Pictuers

And I mean your USB drive, because you can catch a bad bug. lately are very fashionable viruses spread through removable drives, one of which could be your pendrive , your external hard drive, your digital camera ... The

propagation mechanism is very simple to understand. You go with your USB and plug it into an infected computer. It infects your USB. You then you go with your USB to a computer sound and connect to it. From this point the computer that was healthy and not, and begin to infect all the USBs to be connected. Simple, right? In fact, all difficult to understand in this process is the joy and insouciance with which the owners of the USBs connect them to computers.

- Yes but I have antivirus, and I have updated, and the same happens at work, y. .. I'm safe, right?
- No, you're not.

Every day, hundreds of new viruses or variants of existing ones. In the more or less brief period of time until the antivirus maker is cosca turn, the virus grows and multiplies at home. This is the reason why that should antivirus update, this is the reason why some viral infections become epidemics, and this is the reason why most new viruses of this type will scoring a goal to your antivirus and meanders through your USB as soon as you connect to a computer infected.

- So, is there nothing I can do?
- Yes, but everything happens to know a little with how these things work.

The playback mechanism of these bugs is easy to understand. Everything is based on a file called 'autorun.inf ' you'll find in the root directory of your USB drive, if you are infected with one of these. Ojo! You see it does not mean you have a virus or not you see it means you do not have it. You'll have to make sure. Read on ... :-)

The autorun.inf is the file that controls the holy Autoplaying , the mechanism by Windows provides its (apparently, stupid) so that users can enjoy the contents of a CD, DVD or USB without having to do "nothing."
(I'm afraid that anyone who has seen enough users in the wild know why I'm quoting the "nothing".)
To see if your autorun is from friends or enemies, will have to open and watch your content. This can be done with Notepad or your favorite text editor: a text file. This would be a good time for you take a look at the Wikipedia article I linked earlier, so that you become familiar with the syntax that you'll encounter and you can understand. In short, what it contains one of these malicious files is a line that says to run another program (can be more than one), which is the virus. In typical Trojans that are transmitted in this way, this program will (usually) a hidden file in a hidden folder called RECYCLER (trash), but need not be. If you doubt whether this program is or is not a virus, it is best that you check with VirusTotal , this fantastic utility already told you about in the last article on the virus .

If on the other hand, do not see the autorun on your drive, you have to do is make sure you do not really have: may not be there or simply that Windows can not you what is showing. To that end, here are instructions on how show extensions and see all the files , two things that somebody decided not to default in Windows, to contribute more effectively to the spread of malware .

Finally, I will recommend the best protection mechanism against these threats I have ever known. I had my first flash memory: 128k a Commodore. It was a tiny eyelash in one of its sides, just as on the diskettes, prevented one of its two positions the writing on the unit. This is the best prophylactic there: a unit can not write, you can not infect . Apparently, manufacturers have decided that one of every thousand users concerned about the safety of its units are market share is too small to worry about placing the eyelash on their devices, so today is very difficult as finding them. Anyway, if your next purchase decision can take this into account, it will be good for you and be good for everyone.

Monday, November 12, 2007

How To Install Car Hidden Antenna

When appearances deceive you with

In all professions there are allegedly suspected skilled professionals, presumably honest and competent, and presumably others are less so. The computer we Fame allegedly being rare, although I fear that allegedly be like everyone else. I think I'm leaving it sufficiently clear that I have not yet allegedly tried anyone, but I will have some facts of which I witnessed recently. Where I work

used parties to report incidents for computer equipment. Where I work, there are still computers running Windows 98. Well, one of those parties informed of typical problem with Scandisk in Windows 98: every time you boot the system, the system says that there are bugs and releases the Scandisk Scandisk says none are found, and so always one and again.

Where I work, to resolve issues with computer equipment maintenance are some gentlemen in a foreign company. These gentlemen are intended to resolve as many incidents as quickly as possible, so go as fast as those persons appearing in those TV programs doing strange things very quickly in order to have his name inscribed in a book widely read by those who have their name inscribed in the book. Let's stay with the couplet: the maintenance have very little time and go very quickly. And we call this the Fact # 1. Scandisk

The tool is a basic Windows maintenance 98, so you probably already know it takes some time to pass it to your computer. To be exact, when you go through the area checking to make sure the disk is healthy and safe, the costs much Scandisk. Call this Fact No. 2.

not need to be a computer guru to know what we have said so far, not for the light of these facts will be a little strange to read in part settlement of the impact that Mr. maintenance has written something like scandisk the option to fix errors and a couple of times I rebooted the computer, verifying that the problem had been solved . So that, as I like paradoxes, as I read that a person with no time had spent so much time to a computer, immediately and with the purest spirit of festive fun and I went to see in situ the team that blew ...

When I found him calm and receptive. I rebooted with the affection and respect that it deserves an old machine. I waited with infinite patience that the system is unloaded and reloaded. Indeed, apparently the problem had been solved: the system and reported no faults or throwing the Scandisk.

For this is the time, ladies and gentlemen, the self-aggrandizement and remember how good it is to spend a few Minutillo to peruse these casters and willingness with which from time to time the guy gives the grilled PCSofía. Because, as the oldest and most attentive readers already know PCSofía ( early readers), writing in msconfig Start / Run ... we get the system setup program. And if we push the Advanced ... access a page of options, one of which is: Disable Scandisk after an improper shutdown . Any reader or reader can guess how they found this option after the passage of maintenance technician for the team? COOO-RREC-TO!

VFAT In a couple of bits (Clean Shutdown and Hard Disk Error) to indicate that the system is shut down properly and no errors on the hard disk. At startup, the system checks the values \u200b\u200bin these bits and throw the Scandisk if they have the correct value. By checking this option in the System Setup program, what we are saying is to ignore these indicators, ie not to do this check on startup. Whereupon, of course, rests with the user it later.

So I guess maybe what allegedly happened was that our dear maintenance technician allegedly thought that maybe it is not very good write to the part something like I left his ass in the air to the user against possible future problems with the system, instead of having solved the existing problem, but the system no longer touch their noses to the user over their silly error messages.

Anyway, honesty is the path I choose and recommend to look good at parties and users, customers, colleagues, neighbors, friends, family ... And do not forget

vitamins, and keep reading PCSofía mineralized, which breach of trust has always been, there is and I fear that it will remain. In computer science, too.

Monday, November 5, 2007

How Do You Take Magna Rx

To taste are the colors ... Save

As they say in Wikipedia , the first barrier of protection against viruses is user training. Anyway, if

  • ... use the windows system,
  • ... you or your computer you have some exchange of bits with something or someone that you not be you or your computer,
  • ... and have at least half a brain they shelter behind some common sense,

then, you know (I hope): need an antivirus.

Yes, but ... what? That is the question!

When choosing an antivirus, you have to weigh several aspects:

  • Effectiveness (which does not give false positives or false negatives)
  • Efficiency (not excessively overload the system)
  • Usability (easy to configure and use)
  • Price (how much and how often you pay for it)

What is antivirus software? Where do I find? Here is a list of more than thirty antivirus programs with the link to official web sites: www.virustotal.com / en / sobre.html

If you could measure all aspects of these programs, come to the conclusion that none is the best in all aspects . And, more importantly, come to the conclusion that none offers a 100% guarantee , ie none detected all viruses.

In conclusion, that:

  • tastes are colors for (none is "best")
  • We can never be 100% sure (whatever "the one")

Both in one as for the other, you'll do very well (if you do not know already) the page I've named before: www.virustotal.com . Virus Total is a service via totally free website that allows you to scan any file that you suspect may be a virus or be infected. The process is as simple as the world, the page gives you the option to choose a file (Browse ... button), select your suspicious file (resident on your computer), hit "Send File" and since is. Now you only have to wait a bit. The page will tell you that your file probably is in the queue and the position. Not have to wait long. When you touch, will review all antivirus appearing on the list above . We report real-time evolution of the process. An impressive utility .

great thing about it is not just that often goes where your antivirus does not arrive, but it helps to compare the effectiveness of both. Everyone you try it, and everyone that comes to their own conclusions on whether the cinnamon made or not made to pay annually for their religious and antivirus payment.

To finish, I'll tell you if you of those who rely more of the payment programs of opensource but it hurts the pocket and is dedicated to hacking, you should take a look (at least) to ClamWin and Winpooch . They are free, there is no charge, and you avoid the inconvenience of piracy. And maybe you take a surprise comparing its effectiveness with programs payment. Steal of necessity may be morally excusable, but stealing is stealing and aggravated ignorance: in addition to a thief, silly. And no plan!

Stealing the alien take for themselves, or steal in any way whatsoever.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Message On Christening Card

antivirus and PC in a file: the great invention of inventories.

When you're asked for your PC, you know that more than "is a Windows"? Have you ever cried about not being able to know how was your PC while still working well? "I've never cast a glance at your PC while wondering if the store would have given you no pig in a poke? Ever get mad trying to find information about the characteristics or state a PC on the other side of the phone and managed by a user who is going to turn right and move the mouse?

Well for all this and more is what they are for the computer audit programs , you say everything on your computer at the touch of a button. I will recommend the three that I most use lately:

  1. WinAudit .- Of which include its ease of use: an audit and another button to save the report to a file, if you want. Easier to think it's impossible. And besides, in English. (Download: WinAudit for XP, unicode version.)
  2. PC Wizard
  3. .- As good things say it is these friends who I've talked to some other time (CPU-Z ), and the program incorporates some performance tests of the system. As bad thing I will say that I found using some versions in some circumstances with a stability problem. If not for this would be my favorite. (Download: PC Wizard , portable version.)
  4. System Info .- It has, in my opinion the best categorized interface. E incorporates a menu with various tools, you do not know whether to cite as positive or negative for the little use or respect I found them (although it does perhaps you find it.) Today, is my favorite. (Download: System Information for Windows, version portable and multilingual.)

That said, it is worthwhile to try the three things you can do without any fear: all three are freeware and all three are applications portable (ie do not require installation). The three will give you comprehensive information about your system, not just the hardware (motherboard, chipset, processor, memory, BIOS, video card, monitor, network cards, disks, peripherals, ports ...) but also software (OS, applications, running processes, libraries, OLE items, updates, fonts, startup, ...), network services (configuration, connections ...) and some things from a long list of additional options (sensors temperature, sessions, users, files, codecs, drivers ...).

The three will give you the option to save the report to a file, which is going very well so you can compare how your computer now and how it was for eight months (if you're keeping reports from time to time), so you can know certain information on a computer is off or unavailable (if you keep the reports in the right place), or perhaps can save you a trip to that store far so good and when (once there) the clerk asks you what's "and how many megs is the unified flinster esfurullo of your PC?".

also going well as teaching materials. Are you among those who believe that the computer consists only of a monitor, keyboard and mouse, you could really take a look at the number of pages occupied by the bells and whistles (one of them!) Actually gossip, so you can make sense of the complexity of the real thing. As a general culture, is simply an essential activity - I think. And if you go a step beyond the general culture, it will be much easier to see the "guts" of your computer running one of these programs by simply using a screwdriver.

And finally, I must remind you that these programs that expose the intimacies of the PC to function normally require the highest privileges (administrator): if not run as an administrator, you may not work or you malfunction. And I remind you that if you're on a machine shared by multiple users and, for whatever reason, you are in a session without administrator privileges, do not need to close your session to run: to run a program as an administrator to be in unprivileged session administrator, simply take the shortcut menu (PBD on the executable), choose "Run as ..." and put a user with administrator privileges.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How Long Can Someone Live With Anorexia

13 tips for buying a good computer

  1. Semitorre. Never minitower (to fix problems or expand).
  2. AMD better than Intel.
  3. graphics card or motherboard never share.
  4. SATA2 HDD (minimum of 320 GB).
  5. DDR2 Memory (1 GB minimum).
  6. memory card reader.
  7. DVD rewriter.
  8. TFT Monitor (minimum 17).
  9. HP multifunction printer (not Epson).
  10. always clone. Never de marca (o lo acabarás pagando).
  11. Siempre de tienda de informática especializada (nunca de grandes superficies donde el vendedor unos días vende ordenadores y otros calzoncillos o electrodomésticos).
  12. Siempre de tienda cercana o de rápida reparación (nunca de grandes tiendas sin servicio técnico propio o con retrasos de 15 días o más en caso de avería).
  13. No hay duros a cuatro pesetas.

Estos son los 13 consejos para la compra de un buen ordenador que se encuentran escritos por detrás en la tarjeta de una pequeña tienda de informática y que he copiado casi textualmente.

Y, claro, siendo como era que andaba I bought a computer these, and seeing the card written in several of those things that take away all your buddies recommended life, as you approach the little shop to see what they have. And the first thing you find is that this short list of 13 basic tips (in the card can not fit more) are expanded in the shop window with a list of four pages! Four pages of entertaining reading with a lot of advice truly essential when buy a new computer.

reading both valuable and wise advice leaves you feeling that here will be able to orient wisely. But if this is added to an acquaintance of yours has brought his computer to repair and have not received it by putting you in the face with a paper that says "many euros for taking the screws and look at it, then whatever", but only charged for the repair, for then the feeling that you already is that this man runs his business wisely and that its commercial practice is not found in the noses touch Messrs. customers. And I'm no fool! So, logically, I bought my new computer here.

now and the time will say if the friend I get I get a prince or a frog.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Rimi Tomy Is Pregnant

The Mimomatic (Windows Scripting)

If you know what a script Windows, do not waste your time reading this article. If not, follow these steps:

  • Create a new text file (. Txt).
  • In this file, type exactly this: WScript.Echo "MUAC"
  • Close the file and rename it to mimomatic.vbs . (The extension is fundamental : you should change it from txt to vbs!)

Well, it is: we have created our first Mimomatic , a dispenser of kisses for when we are lacking in affection. Just double click it (Ie run).

Once your emotional deprivation ye weary covered or entangled with the toy, keep reading the article!

Mimomatic Lo is a little ditties, but Windows scripts is no nonsense. On the contrary, is quite important, for good and evil has its good side, its ugly and its bad side. (This sounds like me something.)

The good side is that what you did to create the Mimomatic has been to create a file that, when run, you did what you had told him to do: in this case, draw a box that says "MUAC." Valiente silly, yes, but I could have said made more interesting things and much more: create, delete, modify or verify the existence of files or folders, read and write data files or registry settings in Windows, connect or disconnect network drives, email, create a letter in Word, run the command you want, so long and so scary. In short, the scripts that Windows opens the doors automation of repetitive tasks, which is only interesting if you have anything to do many times or many computers. You just have to write a script time and, thereafter, to repeat the task quickly and without omissions or errors sufficient double-click on the script (or even that, if the task programs).

The ugly side is you have to know how it is encoded that you want the right cacharrín. And this, of course, pull back enough that will be the first time with it. It is also true that for most of the needs of a "typical user", this would be killing flies with cannon . That is why just take hold of the scripts administrators, people or systems testing and other geeks . Are you one of these and you dare to try, you can start reading the page of the parents of the child: page technologies Microsoft script.

But the wrong side of a script to do things is when the script does things you do not want to do, typically because the script is not yours but a man very bad very bad, because either your program mail or you run your browser without your explicit permission, or you yourself have executed (It's so easy to double-click!). Before it was enough to be wary of. Bat,. Com,. Exe and little else. Now, with these old news (from w98 does this equipment) for Windows, you have to be much much much more cautious. What are the most dangerous files? Check out your variable PATHEXT environment. This is the variable that the OS (NT, 2000, XP and Vista) used to resolve names of programs when there is no specified length. Ie the extensions you find there (probably something like . COM,. EXE;. BAT;. CMD;. VBS;. VBE;. JS;. JSE;. WSF;. WSH) correspond to files directly executable. The list, of course, does not end here. So we have no choice but to keep the basic rule : if you do not know what it is and the source is not 100% accurate, do not open .

did you run the Mimomatic? Evil indeed! ;-)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Caso Flashy Flashers Inc. Solution

The name of the thing

If anything I have clear graphical environments is that graphical environments used to graphically display when a user is lost and does not know where to walking.

A test that is what I call "the dance of the hummingbird," referring to the mouse movement that draws the user looking for but not found.

this morning, during a screening test in which they were assessing the computer skills of the candidates, one of them goes and asks me
- Sorry ... is ... I can not open Word, I can not find.

The trouble is that this "story" is too current. The trouble is that less skilled users persist in to use the mouse as if it was more like a hummingbird, and are giving little spin menu in the menu, here and there, trying to find what they seek. The trouble is that nobody teaches them, or they do not learn, how not to lose a minute and a half to do something that takes 3 seconds. With how easy it is to call things by their name!

  • With how easy it is pressing \u0026lt;Windows+R> , write winword and press Enter to open Word !
  • With how easy it is pressing \u0026lt;Windows+R> , write excel and press enter to open Excel !
  • With how easy it is pressing \u0026lt;Windows+R> , write explorer and press enter to open the Windows Explorer ! ( \u0026lt;Windows+E> )
  • With how easy it is pressing \u0026lt;Windows+R> , write iexplore and press enter to open Internet Explorer !
  • With how easy it is pressing \u0026lt;Windows+R> , write notepad and press enter to open the notebook !
  • With how easy it is pressing \u0026lt;Windows+R> , write calc and press enter to open the calculator !
  • With how easy it is pressing \u0026lt;Windows+R> , write cmd and press enter to open the command console !
  • With how easy it is pressing \u0026lt;Windows+R> and write ...!

I'm bored of saying it myself, but I'll say it again more ... One of the biggest profits of the mouse is that you can distinguish bird's eye view of an expert user in a beginner's office: while it just release the mouse, it just picks it up, and, consequently, while he works slowly, it does with efficiency.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Does Shaving Cause A Herpes Outbreak?

Zip, Zip ... Hooray! Memory Problems

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Humorous Wedding Openings

Have problems with your computer memory is rare, rare, rare. Or in two words: very rare. It's weird because memory is a component that, in addition to cheap (pardon me), is quite reliable and usually does not crack. And it's strange because the memory faults manifest themselves in odd ways: it can happen to you, for example, that some applications Crunch occasionally for reasons unknown and unexplained.

When I say I mean crack crack , ie die and they do not give the typical application message sorry, sir, but I could not access this or that and, of course I continue, I'll die . All they'll see is the typical system message saying something like operating the application that died suddenly without knowing how or why I followed this in a stack dump, which is a message written in hexadecimal whose mission is to let the user clear that if Mr. Operating System has failed to explain the cause of death, for it even less.

But where some see problems others are finding opportunities, and that this randomness of the failures of memory can be used in your favor or in pursuit of some noble cause. For example, suppose you are the typical or PcGive or entendidillo Noob to the typical user or nisenimimportaquepaesostastú GGC (Great Freeloader Computer) that comes with that of:

GGC - Hi, Lucas. Look, I miss a rare thing with the computer ...

From the very moment you hear those words ( rare thing), you already have prepared what will be your answer, because you know that GGC comes with the typical intended that you spend your time, knowledge and whatever is necessary to change your smile and, perhaps, a warm handshake. At this time starts a simple procedure: Let the

  1. GGC tell your problem. Make a
  2. battery of questions to GGC GGC the answer will not know. (Optional)
  3. Putting a face and blunt conclusion: Hmnn, this will be the RAM , eh? This is going to have to bring into the store ...

There are many people with no intention of spending any money on anything that "smells" a computer (except the hardware, which is what they can see and touch) are the GGC . Thus, in this way, you've got your bit to make it clear to a GGC that, as there is a mechanical sir you fix the car, there is also a master computer you fix the computer, and both have the same right to eat, the same right to have a house and the same right to take holidays.

On the other hand, may have front who is not a GGC but a IPT (Undesirable Pirate Store). Fortunately, natural selection seems to go running and every time (it seems) there are fewer of them. When an IPT a customer returns a defective RAM, the IPT is considered only three options:

  • I like defective RAM with chips and ketchup. Transform
  • defective RAM on a necklace design and sell it on the trail.
  • Coloco la RAM defectuosa en el equipo del próximo cliente.

Un típico IPT siempre opta por esta última alternativa. Esta es, probablemente, la razón de que todos los IPT de los que he tenido conocimiento hayan acabado cerrando sus respectivas tiendas. ¿Queda todavía alguno? No lo puedo asegurar.

Así pues, tenemos dos situaciones tipo en las que sería deseable comprobar la salud de nuestra RAM :

  • Cuando nuestras aplicaciones cascan sin que podamos encontrar ningún otro motivo.
  • Cuando nos acabamos de comprar la memoria.

Thankfully, check RAM is easy if you know how. For this you need a software specialist: memtest86 +, for example. You can download it free from its website www.memtest.org . It tells you everything you need to know about the program. As you see, is an open source program GPL licensed (or, in Christian better than free). The simplest

under normal circumstances will you download the ISO image and you save it on a CD (do not make the common mistake of saving the file as data instead of burn the image on the CD!). This will create a CD starting with which you must start the machine. Immediately you'll see a blue screen when Windoze those did not exist, in which the program will be telling you what you execute. Since then, all you have to do is wait. It's boring. It is a good time to go plant a tree, write a book or have a child.

not expect the program to finish, because it never ends. The test program and test and test, the Duracell Bunny dies, the program continues to prove, the descendants of the Duracell bunny die, the program continues to prove ... In short, that when you get tired, press Esc to end testing. If you leave a good while running, as icing on the cake. But if there is a memory failure is difficult not to find it in the first pass and found in later passes is much much much harder.

not expect a report at the end of execution. If the program finds a bug (and find where they exist!), You will see: the red over the blue highlights a lot. Otherwise, no news is good news ...

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Explain The Four Typesof Business

Googling "Google? So what is it? Did you search on Google? Because ... That's what this article! to use Google to search for the meaning of terms unknown.

Brief aside:
remember once again that is not the same search www.google.com www.google.es that . I recommend using the first, and it will be used throughout the article. I recommend using the second (Google Spain) only for the "very English." In general, I recommend the English version of all the Google tools. I also recommend learning English, of course. End
brief phrase.

first thing we should do to find the meaning of an unfamiliar term is to go to one of the many dictionaries we have on the web: some are free and very good. For example, these: http://www.wordreference.com/ .

When dictionaries fall short, we can use encyclopedias. I think we all know and Wikipedia . In fact, Wikipedia is already so popular and already has so much content that, when searching in Google a term, most likely, one of the first results will lead to a corresponding Wikipedia entry.

If you've been practicing as you read, by now we have translated the title: "Googling Google" means "Searching Google Google." Nice expression and nice exercise. Sometimes dictionaries and encyclopedias are not sufficient. Can we find a definition of Google on the web without resorting to dictionaries ni enciclopedias?

Lógicamente, la búsqueda de "Google" en Google es bastante frustrante, pues se obtienen cerca de mil millones de resultados. Cuando el término que buscas es demasiado popular, es conveniente refinar de algún modo la búsqueda para filtrar los resultados.

Un primer truquillo está basado en un conocido juego con Google (sí, con Google también se puede jugar; y jugando se puede aprender). El juego consiste en buscar tu nombre seguido de "es", y ver así qué pone en Internet que tú eres. Una tontería, sí, pero si andas buscando qué es un flinster de este modo obtendrás todas las páginas con el texto "flinster es...". Of course, you will miss one that put something like "Flinster: esfurullo garrofónico used to ...".

truquillo A second, equally poor, is to look for phrases like "flinster meaning" or "definition of flinster." I remember the importance of quoting in this type of research. And I remind you that Google does not understand what you read, so when you search for "meaning of flinster" not going to get the pages you see the meaning of the word flinster, but you'll get the pages to appear the words "flinster meaning."

A much better solution (when it works) is the use of operator defined Google: when define: precedes the expression sought, the search results are pages that contain the words but their definitions . Check with an example: compare results from Google search or define: Google . Notice also in this case, how in the lower part gives you the ability to look up the definitions available in other languages, and how it offers the possibility to search for definitions of terms like.

Finally, note when you make your search (in English, I repeat) the information that shows you Google's Result: Yes, that which precedes the first output, that which makes something like this results to which from many for Search Words ( many seconds) . Well, if here in Search Words, is a link, that means Answers.com know that term, and the link takes you to the definition.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Case Flashy Flashers Inc

Googling Google Web Sharing shortcut

I do every day: I get to a website that I find interesting, copy the URL from the address bar, the stick in an email and sent it to my buddy in office saying that the "look at this ". This Thus, he only has to click to see what I teach.

But every time I get to places that I did not get that easy. Why? To not go into technicalities, let me cite an example.

Go to page RAE. Note that the URL is http://www.rae.es/ . Suppose we want to do a search on your dictionary. For this, we go to it by clicking on the first link, called "Dictionary of the English language." Ponte

10 if your powers of observation are so acute as to have noticed already that this article I could link the homepage of the SAR, but not I have done that the outcome of this click on link.

Right now you should have your browser's website of the English Language Dictionary, which can do the searches we wanted. A very interesting website we would like to add to your bookmarks or favorites to share with our friends and colleagues. But have you noticed in the URL? 's the same! again be: http://www.rae.es/

So, at first glance, this forces us to make it this direction that we add to our bookmarks and share it with our friends. In the first case, we follow the route of clicks every time we want to get the dictionary. In the second case, we follow the URL of the mail with detailed instructions for the shift buddy can easily find the destination that you want to lead.

Then I tell you cause and solution of these joyous experiences with some webmasters have seen fit to offer us.

The Bad

The blame for this is a technique the antediluvian to divide a web page into pieces, usually with the good intention of putting the navigation controls (menus, buttons or links) one of them and contained in the other. These pieces are often called in frames English or frames in the mother tongue of Our Lady of the Red . And, although this technique fulfilled its role in its day, today is only applicable in sites primitive, among other things that are a toothache for visitors, as explained in the example.

How to know if we are in such a site? If you are a entendidillo of those who are managed with HTML already know: they check the source and look for the label \u0026lt;FRAME> . If, however, you do not read the labels more than the clothes, you will not be forced to look at the URLs that never change and that you can use be your best friend: FireFox!

The Buenos

You know that this accounts computesas activities with good friends: Google, the right mouse button, FireFox ... In particular the latter two make a great partner when you need to break the impasse of frames. When you're in a framed page, right click on things that interest you from the context menu you will find a dropdown option called "this frame ->". When you deploy you will find several options that will solve your problems with frames.

Thus FireFox restored peace to the Internet, and unevolved could still use their frames and visitors could use their pages without difficulty, and they were all happily ever after.

Everyone? According to my statistics, 2 / 3 visitors of this blog are happy staying true to the browser that came installed with their operating system. Things to love!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Oav

FireFox FireFox search

spoke the other day John Doe, a great friend and partner in The Community one of those things things to fall in love with FireFox : The possibility not only of direct searches in several other search, but also to add new other to our favorite search engines all . Yesterday I spoke to David Charro, a great friend and colleague, another of those things you fall in love with FireFox : The possibility of direct search engine you want by using what FireFox called keywords.

Let's see how this works with a practical example. Suppose you usually a page you're looking foo, and I like not having to navigate to it whenever you want to search. Let this be, for example, the form in the dictionary of the English Royal Academy of Language. To access it go to your homepage ( http://www.rae.es ) and click on the link "Dictionary of the English language."

Now, to perform a search, you would touch typing in the search word in the text box. Well, you have to do is press the right button on it, ie contextual menu associated with it. Choose the option called "Add a Keyword" or something similar. You will see a dialog box used to create a new bookmark (also known as favorites ). Give the name you want and create it wherever you want. What matters is the keyword . Write something in this area meaningful and comfortable, for example rae.

From this moment, when you type in the address bar of FireFox mipalabrita rae, FireFox will show the result of searching mipalabrita in the dictionary of the RAE. Nice, right? And if you love

research on all things, open the bookmark manager and check out the "Quick Search" probably there are examples of how the thingy is rula.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Dum Dum Candy Phrases

of primitive art in the computer age itself

There was a time when a person who seemed to be absorbed, working at his typewriter, it really did was painstakingly draw a deer using only two keys: the x and o. This noble Art has survived to this day. If you do not know what I'm talking about, I recommend you read the article ASCII art in Wikipedia .

Have you already read the article?

(Reread the previous question until the answer is "YES".

Well, then, as is there, it's ASCII has serious applications, we must not ignore or forget.

During the race space, one of the problems faced by the NASA scientists was to find a pen to write in zero gravity, because this is necessary so that ink can flow from a common pen. After a decade of research, which cost more than eight million dollars, the engineers were ready a pen that writes in zero gravity not only but also in a wide range of temperatures, submerged or under extreme pressure. The Russians, meanwhile, have equipped their astronauts with a graphite pencil.

Beyond the simplicity of solutions that can provide us with ASCII art, ASCII art which gives us an excellent method for waste time making nice things . So if the paper birds and will not fill, or if you've built with sticks all the remarkable sights of the world, or do not have to use public transport daily, you might be a few hours of entertainment you do not know how to fill. You can try this. But if you reach the end you start converting to ASCII images your vacation photos or your entire collection of video movies, then look háztelo urgently!

If, however, these little things you think are cool but do not you want to kill to get something like this:

____ ____ ____ ___ ___ __ _____
(_ \\ / __) / __) (_) ( ___)(_ _) / __ \\
)___/( (__ \__ \ )(_)( )__) _)(_ /(__)\
(__) \___)(___/(_____)(__) (____)(__)(__)
____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ __
(_ _)( ___) ( _ \( ___)/ __)( ___) /__\
)( )__) )(_) ))__) \__ \ )__) /(__)\
(__) (____) (____/(____)(___/(____)(__)(__)
____ ____ __ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___
( ___)( ___)( ) (_ _)(_ ) (__ \ / _ \ / _ \(__ )
)__) )__) )(__ _)(_ / /_ / _/( (_) )( (_) )/ /
(__) (____)(____)(____)(____) (____) \\ ___ / \\ ___/(_/

Then you can use one of the many ASCII editors you have at your disposal.

Another resource is the ASCII generator with which, via web, you can convert a few words, as in the example above. It's free, and has a large group of different sources you can use. If you want to see how the result would be with them all, without having to go testing at a time, chosen as the source called "_all fonts with your text_." Testing the effect of the other options. The handling is very simple. That yes, say goodbye to accents and the like (sigh).

Oh, and if all esto del arte ASCII es nuevo para ti, voy a darte dos malas noticias más:

  • Una fuente de ancho variable destruirá tus obras de arte.
  • Los saltos de línea inesperados destruirán tus obras de arte.

Dicho lo cual, si te atreves a probar...

_ _ we only have two options:

Putting ourselves to clean the hard drive (virtual plan, I mean)

Larger storage capacities (ie, buy another hard drive)


So we better before you begin these tasks, we got one of those essential programs
that tell us how we spent our disk space hard and help us clean

. I will recommend a couple of them. TreeSize Free

  1. recommend this program for a simple reason of historical gratitude: for years this faithful friend I was helping in the cleaning of hard disks. You can get it here:
  2. http://www.jam-software.com/freeware/

Eye! TreeSize Free is freeware
: not cost you a euro, but you should go spend declining his proposals to the professional version (fee), or spend it, of course. This is the main reason that once I decided to try WinDirStat .


This is the program I use now. You can get it here:


On that page (in English) find typical: a brief description of program features, the most important links, blah, blah, blah.

The program works well and the interface is very simple. It will give the possibility to tell which of the units in your computer you want to watch, or tell you look just a folder (and its descendants). Here's your report with files, folders, sizes, types, etc, etc. But the coolest thing is WinDirStat Treemap . In this view, which shows you the friend is a graphical representation of the case, each file as a drawing rectangles. The size of the rectangles indicates you

file size. The color of the rectangles indicates you

file type. And, of course, each folder is another rectangle formed by the rectangles corresponding to the files it contains. Thus, you can get

idea at a glance what you have on your hard drive

, ie can "see" .

If I get to tell the wonders of this view and its interaction with the "traditional", would not end. So only I recommend you try it for a while and you play with them. All an invention, I assure you.

The program has a good support, though in English (sigh). But if you care much about the language will give you good news: the program (its interface) is translated into several languages \u200b\u200band, of course, you can enjoy it in English. For installing the news is also excellent: no need. And finally, most importantly the price. WinDirStat is a open source program distributed under a GPL license. Again, for those who do not yet know what it means to roll this, the in Christian better than free.