Friday, December 18, 2009

How Long Is Stay In Hospital For Mastectomy

Verbs Christmas Illusion (Song) I would be

From clouds of angels sing me

full of love, and tell me
Jesus was born.

There is a star in the sky

loving me because here was born

the child Jesus. (Bis)

And I feel there is hope still

on earth to live.



I wrote this song for Christmas fills me with love, joy, hope and peace. Hope you like it.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Creative Masterbation For Men

perception of how childhood traumas

T engo first to thank you for your comment, to Lucas Hidalgo has been the genesis of this intro. With these actions, the fact that shades you with a comment or contribute an idea, a new entry, a reflection, or even (not so popular around here) a new idea in theory, make you see met and shared objective of the creation of that page.

all know now where to look for books, which make a run, which do an MA even where to write a book. But science, theories must continue to grow, and today the only science that is done is the experimental and coorelacional. We have forgotten how science emerged. Arose from the speculation , and very sinister you hear the word has no connotative meaning, and so began the philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Descartes). None of them had a laboratory, nor statistical packages (SPSS, Excel, ...) but trying to respond to what they saw and what does not, in the latter is the case of Sigmund Freud (unconscious, libido, systematization and topography of the mind, ...).

or qualify for responding to a comment from my colleague and co-author:
With respect to "irreversible consequences" to qualify something. Since the early age of the Little Albert a few conditioning sessions (Were not more than 10) do not imply the creation of a traumatic experience, and that babies are not the strongest experiences which the mark nearly a lifetime. No more early experiences are more stable but the most influential.
is the case of some ill-treatment or malnutrition (although in this case, if there is continuous fall in the secular trend process if conditions improve.)
Yes it is true that "the impact of a particular experience varies depending on the time course and characteristics of the subject" Development psychological and education, 1999 (Compilation J. Palacios, A. Marchesi and C. Coll)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Best Shoes To Prevent Shin Splints

cognitive intelligence

Not long ago I read an article my colleague L. Collection Olviedo Hidalgo made on different types of intelligence . There are theories that postulate the existence of 8, other 10, and the most ancient postulates only one.

However, I would argue for the existence of one more, within any group or category, and cognitive intelligence. I'll explain with a simple example for all to perceptual (/ me) entendais

my view is a mosaic of several. Cognitive intelligence has some spatial intelligence, a little logic, intrapersonal and naturalist perhaps. It leads me to think that is a higher grade, or at least different from the others.

Examples cognitive intelligence are more practical purposes, say some criminologists at the crime scenes, the mathematical issues involved in "seemingly" without order or direction, the software in source code, surgeons and neurosurgeons, artists and other visionaries.
's not just to see what is known or giving perspectives, but have the ability to see / perceive aspects or points of view largely unexplored. For explain it more clearly (but fantastic) would be like having a sixth sense.

Friday, November 27, 2009

How To Gold Plate An Airsoft Gun

JB Watson and small Documentary Albert Sigmund Freud

Watson and Little Albert
Uploaded by raulespert . - Social and ecological videos.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How To Play Fm Radio On Bluetooth Headphone

butterfly I would be looking to your window. I wish I

petting daisy in the morning.

I be the wind That
goes through your face.

I want to be with you without feeling that I am.

so many things I would like you
Have fun in the world. That

world that feeds me in the morning beauty of hope

afternoon and evening so full of hope

with a song.

So many things make me live
But you would be better to live.

Diosaoasis: The beautiful nature inspires us to write many things about love.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blonde Brown Hair Extensions

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rail Buggy Wiring Diagram

They wanted to know if people in a particular neighborhood association (X) used on average more than one type of transport or another. The sample of 50 subjects aged between 16 and 60, ages that include the period of adulthood in our culture.

After passing the data through the statistical package yielded the following results:

As noted in the significance of the ANOVA table we conclude that statistically significant differences were found between types of transport: motor (M = 24.27, SD = 9.498), walking / biking (M = 20.8, SD = 3736) and public transportation (M = 20.2, SD = 5804) for F (2,47) = 2,556, p = and alpha =. 05 .088

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What Color Tie With Grey Suit

Trans-old winery Optimism

The other day I walked into the supermarket looking for a wine for a celebration when I realized what paradoxical result that we seem both of them.

People, like wine, born of a raw material. Both have their origin in nature and by processes and transformations that raw material of nature matures. Depending on how you take care and try this maturation will result in a quality or another.
If we treat the grapes with care, protecting of the most severe weather conditions (like rain, snow, hail, ...) get a good collection of the vineyard.
This is similar in humans. The process of childhood is important for the further development of ripening. Both influence people not only deals with the psychological aspect, but also influences the maturation schedule. That is, growth retardation, dwarfism potential problems and general problems in the growth physical / biological.

not that surprised us a hailstorm going to give the crop loss year. They are the highlights the most dangerous, but the most intense and stable.
is the case of child abuse or face, or sexual abuse.

People, like wines, have a longitudinal development. As time passes, it will enhance the product.
Over the years, people begin to experience changes in many types: hormonal, biological, psychomotor, social, ... Like the grape goes through the fermentation process before it becomes wine.

Even in the moral and philosophical we are like this elegant drink. What really matters when buying a wine is its taste and its aroma, not the bottle that is. The same goes for people, what we would refer to the inside of these and not the appearance. However, the aroma would address the hygiene of this, not for vanity but for health would be important in metaphor.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Variable Annuity License California

life everyday-daily

The optimism is not a preference of thought, not taste, opinion or mood.
Optimism is a construction of self , of mind. An adaptive process, an evolution of the human psyche.
Optimism is "seeing the glass half full or half empty" (pessimism). Means lower levels of stress and distress during the course of disease. It also means less stress on the approach to a problem, as well as coping and resolving this.

why the optimism implies a mechanism adaptation .
An optimistic person will have more chance of surviving the environment if it maintains or enhances the body's natural defenses psychosomatically. That is, the influence of the mind, the psyche, on the immune system of the subject.

As can be considered a mechanism has been developed evolutionarily, such as intelligence, memory, or perception. Mechanism by which we become more resilient to the adversities that the same race created human.

Because if we followed living among grapevines and apple banned, according to this thinking we would not be optimistic, but ... Who may need to be optimistic in paradise? a close personal opinion and as funny: Eva had too much optimism.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Texas Title Insurance Rate 2010

hassless Fastidios Seeing is not believing

The daily hassles or daily hassless are the minor inconveniences of many things, like living in a big city or a small town, maintaining a relationship or coping with singleness, use public transport or private ...
As we see, there is no specific category for escape from the stress caused nuisances daily, as they are everywhere. And if at any time and situation ...? Are omnipotent "God"? Instead, they are unique people ... "God."
This is, governed according to the personality of individuals, ie, if a person lives in a big city will suffer from the typical everyday hassles of the big city, such as crowds, the hustle, lack of living space (perhaps), or clean or green spaces.
the contrary, if a person lives in a small village, will also suffer the little everyday hassles like having to climb steep slopes, small slips of old streets unpaved shortage of transport (maybe).

Vivamos with whom, how and where we live, suffer not save us from these little annoyances.
pass unnoticed, every day, from "me a favor and bring me the slippers, I do not reach" to "sorry, we have broken all the fans." And this accumulation of small, invisible now make to increase daily stress, you start to notice physiological dysfunctions, emotional, cognitive and behavioral ... You start by noting

exhaustion, tiredness, fainting mood. With people you become dry, irritating, edge, sharp, continuous listening as if only stupid others.
can even come to recognize you say stupid things, inconsistencies, contradictions, ...
And that stress takes its toll, and not alert.

It is therefore important to establish good coping strategies, such as humor, irony, sarcasm, sense of humor of others, empathy, consistency, certainly react with suspicion ,....

But not everyone is able to react the same way. There are people who do not have our personal history, which may have been through quite opposite to us, like or just have not lived.
People who may have lived too much, and feel disgusted and tired before the continuous tiny pinpricks of these annoyances. Is it worth it worth spending the whole repertoire of strategies for coping with a daily foolishness? Is it perhaps the low self-efficacy? Or "learned helplessness? Or maybe the fatigue that provides the age and boredom?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Stouffers Solon Ohio Store Hours

How can atheists not believe in God, if you do not see it?
How can Catholics believe if you do not see God?
faith Is it indispensable for belief in something greater than ourselves?
When a child catches his mother in her room fragrant odors, does not worth the word of his son to distrust entirely on their olfactory senses?

Teenagers lie, statistically. But the human race simply has a common neurological mythomania. The human being lies in nature. Depending on goals and other objectives, but it does. It goes with the phylogeny of the species. With the ontogeny learn to do, perfecting the technique, even going to believe us our own lies.

This reflection was carried out in a tedious and monotonous kind of Psychology of Human Behavior. A subject whose schedules can only have been chosen torture motif. A subject sample, Essentially, old trends radical behaviorist paradigm.
calificaré not the subject or for teaching the teacher, the input material, learning expectations, time spent on practical work, ... but by the content, the knowledge that aims to provide psychological training.

- "The psychological is limited by the biological"
- "It is not biological psychological, and biological not psychological"
- "The biological material has a part, the psychological, not"
( JC Perez and EA Caracuel Córdoba) Psychology of Learning: Human Behavior 2008/09)

Biology, along with chemistry, physics, chemistry, ballistics, pathology ... even behaviorism (as pseudoscience as others call) and other sciences explain / support / resides psychology (perhaps not directly). This is to say that psychology is the science group focused on the study of normal and abnormal behavior of the person / animal, allowing to predict / explain their conduct or assist with the development problems of a physiological or mental as a result of interactions intrinsic / extrinsic to the environment or other people / animals (L. Hidalgo, 2009).

All of the above mentioned is what resurgence as a result of the mixture of psychological paradigms, but without contradicting any of them.
is where the radical nature of human behavior makes its appearance

Note: Thanks Rachel. This lack means more than you think.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Curtain Color For Burgundy Walls

For the consequences of our actions Operant Conditioning ..... where the consequences
control our behavior on par with the discriminative stimuli that are more or less likely our behavior

But what they do not own (or I love this part) is the freedom of choice on actions against our benefit and / or expectations or predictions (altruism). This does not mean that we become saints, but that involves another human compensation system of relief of distress / anxiety / guilt (which is below the election, like a substage)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Which Brand Of Yogurt Is The Healthiest

Library ripening chamber

Funny the functioning of the human body's respiratory system, as well as the circulatory, excretory and locomotor. Even while being interesting, the nervous system is, in my opinion, one of the most complex. Each
allows us life, we can nourish the circulatory system to the cells of our body, with breathing breathing allows the locomotor movements, and the excretory ... excrete.
But ... and nervous? be as general as we have with other systems can be expected to say that we can think. But the interesting thing is that not only allows us to think, but many more things, such as remembering, seeing, hearing, taste, defend, attack, ... and above all learning.

Most think that you learn in terms of how you treat the environment in which you are (raised sticks, or between notes), however there are many more dimensions that influence a person's learning, some most influential of them (not important). Some of them are the relationship with parents since childhood, genetic legacy, or interaction with the environment.
Some of them are of an inherited, some social, and other contextual . Each of the dimensions mentioned above are, to date, the dispute over the supremacy of some over others.

only thing that makes them equal is common and how those lessons are carried out. We're talking about a very molar, very concrete and specific, that is, at the neuronal level.

When an unconditioned stimulus or EI (a light, sound, smell) is perceived by our body (or not, but suppose it is conditioned) to trigger a response that can be unconditional (RI ) or conditional (RC ). The difference between them is at a level understandable if one gives account or absence of the respondent. Example of an RI is a flicker or contraction of the pupils to perceive a very strong light, an example of an RC is singing a song when we hear his rhythm.

So all of these stimulus-response relationships work the same way, through connections synaptic . Donald Hebb formulated a principle that the cellular basis of learning involves the strengthening of a synapse that fires repeatedly when postsynaptic neuron discharge ( Hebb, 1949). By
LTP can do that a stimulus is more or less likely to trigger a response. This enhancement occurs by stimulation of the axons that carry information from the entorhinal cortex to the dentate gyrus caused a long-term increase in the magnitude of potential excitatory postsynaptic in neurons postsynaptic (Lomo, 1966).

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Descargar Findshark Gratis

The man baby

An explanation of thought abuser can be addressed from the most basic and primitive of all of us. At birth, infants do not distinguish between your body and what they see, indeed, think that the mother is an extension of his body, so that they cry when you're not around or stops crying when the mother pays attention. It is thus a way of trying to control his little body . us go to adult life: relationships, trust, security, ...
The man (or woman too, but statistically stands a man) of these characteristics (type abusive or sexist) sees his family following this period of security, confidence, after that time, unconsciously "appropriate" your partner's body and all its actions. Appropriates, as it were, his life.
This is when we compare with the babies, these people think that their partners are continuations of his body. This process is formed through a time of confidence, security. For this reason, abusers are not at first, but now over time.
Then, try to control the other person as a member (more comfortable) in your body. If it is revealed or tries to stop the abuser frustrated and try to reestablish control over "possession" on "your body", as the baby cries.

So for this to not happen (obviously taught, it evolves, the influence of the medium) the person has to tell her mother about her own body, ie from the first moment of relationship must take into account that person is independent, autonomous, and not at all an extension of your partner.

This perhaps is strongly related (from a psychoanalytic point of view ) to search for a maternal feeling for a gap in childhood.
This theory is by no explanatory or some 100%. It's just a thought or psychological speculation